
Angular 5 & Node, Express, SequelizeJS and PostgreSQL setup for Passport authentication via Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Local

Primary LanguageTypeScript


An Angular & Node Express setup for passport authentication.

A simple application that only has login page (with passport strategies) and home page (for showing user information fetched from the selected strategy e.g Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Local)

A direct example guide for PassportJS users.

Main dev tools used:

Angular 9 NodeJS ExpressJS Typescript ES6 PassportJS PostgreSQL SequelizeJS Sequelize-Typescript

Supported Passport Authentication

Facebook Google+ Twitter Local

Clone the project

$ git clone https://github.com/KShewengerz/ngx-express-passport-setup

How to run

  1. Create your own clientID and clientSecret on the provider you want to test

    Note: Creating a database is required for storing user information provided by any passport strategy

    1. Local

      a. Create Database by default the app used passport db name.

      b. Run sequelize migration scripts $ npm run sq:migrate:all

      c. Credentials are placed on /config/database.ts or .env if environment variables will be used.

    2. Facebook

      a. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps, Click Add New App

      b. Enter your app's information, Click Create App ID

      c. Access your ClientID and ClientSecret on Sidebar's Settings Menu > Basic

      d. Credentials are placed on /config/passport/credential.ts or .env if environment variables will be used.

    3. Google+

      a. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/, Click Enable APIs and Services beside Dashboard label

      b. Search for Google+ on the search bar and Click Enable.

      c. Go back to your dashboard and click Credentials from the sidebar.

      d. Click Create credentials button at the top and Click Create OAuth client ID and supply those fields provided. For these fields; Authorized Javascript Origins supply http://localhost:3000 and Authorized redirect URIs supply http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback - they are the routes created from our system

      c. Your ClientID and ClientSecret will then be shown in modal form or you can access it anytime by clicking the credential you created on the list.

      d. Credentials are placed on /config/passport.credential.ts or .env if environment variables will be used.

    4. Twitter

      a. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/, Click Create New App

      b. Fill the form with information about your app. For these fields; Website supply and Callback URL supply - they are the routes created from our system

      c. API Key and API Secret are shown on Keys and Access Tokens tab.

      d. Go to Permissions tab > Additional Permissions and check Request email addresses from users - for us to be able to fetch the users' email address.

      e. Credentials are placed on /config/passport/credential.ts or .env if environment variables will be used.

      NOTE: Twitter doesn't support localhost on their url so we use instead.

  2. Replace all credentials on .env file

  3. Run $ npm run install:all to install all node modules from backend & frontend

  4. Run $ npm start to run the system.

Npm Commands

  $ npm run install:all    - Installs all node modules from backend & frontend
  $ npm run ng:start       - Runs angular app (frontend)
  $ npm run node:start     - Runs express app (backend)
  $ npm start              - Runs the whole system (frontend & backend)
  $ npm run sq:migrate:all      - Runs all migration scripts
  $ npm run sq:migrate:undo     - Rollbacks previous migration script
  $ npm run sq:migrate:undo:all - Rollbacks all migration scripts