
Instanews: NY Times API call using jQuery ajax(), dynamic elements created with vanilla Javascript, mobile-responsive layout using SASS and CSS Flex.

Primary LanguageSCSS


Mobile-first responsive website calling NY Times API to retrieve latest news articles according to user's selected dropdown category.

Technologies used

  • Javascript
  • jQuery AJAX method
  • NY Times API call
  • HTML5 Semantic tags
  • Gulp
  • NPM

Installation instructions

npm install

To run on your localhost (http://localhost:3000/)


Development steps/process

  1. Read & understand the Project Requirements (https://red-wdp.herokuapp.com/project/project-03/)
  2. Set up project in NPM and ensure a package.json file is created
  3. Set up Git source management including .gitignore and README.md files
  4. Install Gulp so SASS can compile
  5. Develop draft CSS layout using static images/content as a placeholder
  6. Convert CSS to SASS syntax for better style management
  7. Implement mobile-first Responsive Web Design techniques using CSS/SASS Media Queries, and pay attention to breakpoints decided in Mockup Design provided in project brief/requirements
  8. Implement jQuery AJAX call to NY Times API to pull actual content
  9. Use Javascript/jQuery to dynamically create HTML elements by using control flow (conditionals and for-loops)
  10. Cater for edge-cases, and test these in the browser console (if an article doesn't have an image, don't display this article)
  11. Edit your SASS styles to suit dynamically created elements if necessary
  12. Test your website on multiple browsers and devices, and fix if need be
  13. Continually save and commit your work in Git (all work on a single commit should be related to one feature/improvement/fix)
  14. Once you've achieved the mandatory functional requirements, clean up your unecessary code, unclear comments, or un-needed console.logs
  15. W3C Validate your HTML and CSS syntax, and fix errors if necessary
  16. Use HTML5 semantic tags to imply meaning and add more importance for SEO and Accessibility
  17. Check the Project Requirements again to see if you have covered all the mandatory tasks
  18. Save/commit your work again, and put it aside as a version you can submit
  19. If you have time, attempt some Stretch Goals from the Project Requirements
  20. Ensure your README.md file includes project description/features, technologies used, installation instructions, things still to do/improve on
  21. Submit your work before the deadline

Note: Remember you can always go back and revisit things in your own time, and you will also have a chance to re-submit before the end of the program. Professional Web/Software companies always release a newer version or an update, so it is a normal part of the process to not get it 100% perfect the first go, and to break things up into stages/releases focusing on mandatory functionality as a priority.