
CVE-2021-44228 demo webapp

Primary LanguageJava


Yet another CVE-2021-44228 POC

Affected Log4j versions: from 2.0-beta9 up to 2.14.1


Used Java: OpenJDK 11

Maven required to build apps in this repo (alternatively, download prepared jar files from release):

Building & Running the projects

Directories description:

  • jndi - project with JNDI LDAP Reference server
  • web - project with vulnerable server
  • provider - project with code compiler & server
  • resources - directory for additional resources (like screenshots)

Build projects with:

mvn clean install

Run jars with:

java -jar <jar>

Files to run (these files will be generated in: <repo_name>/<project_name>/target):

  • jndi-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar (run with: java -jar jndi-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar "")
  • web-1.0.0.jar (run with: java -jar web-1.0.0.jar) - runs on port 8080
  • provider-1.0.0.jar (run with: java -jar provider-1.0.0.jar) - runs on port 8081

Alternatively build and run docker image - Docker section below Screenshots

Basic usage

  1. Start all projects (as above)
  2. Go to
  3. Copy exploit template and paste it in Java Code box
  4. Go to vulnerable logger at:
  5. Copy payload from example and send it to the logger
  6. Calc app should open (Windows). In case of Linux and Mac, empty file named "PWNED" should be created in /tmp directory


Currently, the vulnerability can be exploited via:

  • /logAction -> post endpoint (triggers with payload in request headers or "payload" param)
  • /logGetHeaders -> get endpoint (trigger with request headers)
  • /logPut -> put endpoint (trigger with request headers or request body)
  • /logDelete -> delete endpoint (trigger with request headers or request body):


Java version:
Java version image

Exploit preparation + Compilation + Serving class file:
Exploit preparation image

Payload (to be delivered to log4j) preparation + Sending the payload:
Payload image

JNDI Reference:
JNDI Reference image

Exploitation result (Windows):
Exploitation result (win) image

Exploitation result (GNU/Linux):
Exploitation result (lin) image


You can also build docker image with Dockerfile located in main repo directory. Instructions:

docker build . -t log4j_vuln
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 log4j_vuln


docker ps

To see exploitation result (inside container):

docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash
ls -la /tmp

Kill docker container with:

docker container kill <CONTAINER_ID>


Code presented in this repository is intended to be used FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.
I do not aid, or endorse any malicious usage of data from this repository.

Additionally, code in this repository is shared on an 'AS IS' BASIS - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND.

More information
