Nginx Cluster with Pacemaker and NFS storage

Main shemce shecme

Up 4 VMs for deploy(3 VMs for nginx, 1 for NFS)

vagrunt up

1. Install NFS server with ansible role (This role install NFS-server, create FS on sdb drive and mount to /mnt/nfs on NFS-server)

ansible-playbook playbooks/role_install_nfs.yml

2.Install NFS-clients on nginx nodes (This role install NFS-clients on nginx nodes and mount to /opt/nfsmount)

ansible-playbook playbooks/role_install_nfs_clients.yml

3.Install and config nginx (This role install nginx, change config from template)

ansible-playbook playbooks/role_install_nginx.yml

4.Install and config Pacemaker (This role install Pacemaker+pcsd+corosync, config cluster and start it)

ansible-playbook playbooks/role_install_pcs.yml