##Target Load weights and bias from caffe to Torch
- save caffe model to a common file appended with caffemodel such as bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel
- convert caffemodel file to hdf5 file
- load weights and bias from hdf5 file in Torch
Load input layer data from caffe to Torch
- after net completes forward operation, the data will be fed to net. And copy data to the dataLayer's top blob
- save dataLayer's top blob to hdf5 file
- load weights and bias from hdf5 file in Torch
- copy the folder to your caffe directory and run the install script
- use your network caffemodel and output path to modify the test script
- run the test script to generate the hdf5 file
When you name the layers of Torch model, you should name them as that from caffe model *.prototxt file. And you must be careful that the names of caffe model shouldn't contains some special symbol of paths such as "/". Try to replace them with "_".
Plz refer to googlenet.lua to load weights and bias.
The project comes from Kencoken. And dump_network_hdf5.cpp is copyed from it. The Link is (https://github.com/kencoken/caffe-model-conver)