Prevent the Language Model from being Overconfident in Neural Machine Translation

This is the PyTorch implementation of paper: Prevent the Language Model from being Overconfident in Neural Machine Translation.

We carry out our experiments on standard Transformer with the OpenNMT toolkit. If you use any source code included in this repo in your work, please cite the following paper.

    title = "Prevent the Language Model from being Overconfident in Neural Machine Translation",
    author = "Miao, Mengqi  and
      Meng, Fandong  and
      Liu, Yijin  and
      Zhou, Xiao-Hua  and
      Zhou, Jie",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "3456--3468",

Runtime Environment

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64 bits
  • Python version >=3.6
  • Pytorch version =1.2

Training Steps

We use the two-stage training strategy.

Stage 1: Jointly Pretraining

  • Parameters:

    • -transformer_lm our joint training model NMT+LM.
    • -train_lm
    • -lambda_lm set to 0.01 for En->De, Zh->En, and En->Fr.
    • -report_lm report the accuracy and perplexity scores of the LM during training.
  • Run:

    for example:

    sh ./train_shells/ 

Stage 2: Finetuning

  • Parameters:

    • -transformer_lm our joint training model NMT+LM.
    • -fixed_lm
    • -add_nmt_loss use Margin objective or not.
    • -add_nmt_lm_loss_fn Margin function M(Δ): Linear, x3 (i.e., Cube), x5 (i.e., Quintic), Log.
    • -lambda_add_loss hyperparameter λ_{M} of Margin loss, set to 5, 8, 8 for EnDe, ZhEn, and EnFr, respectively.
    • -weight_sentence use MSO.
    • -weight_sentence_thresh the threshold hyper-parameter k in MSO, set to 0.3, 0.3, 0.4 for EnDe, ZhEn, and EnFr, respectively.
  • Run:

    • MTO

      sh ./train_shells/ x5 5.0
    • MSO

      sh ./train_shells/ x5 5.0 0.3