
The Healthcare Industry Simulator calculates changes in inputs (insurance premium pricing, new provider entrants, hospital pricing averages by area, patient mortality/illness statistics, government spending, and other factors) to produce impacts in all these areas across the chain of the industry.

Healthcare Industry Simulator

MedHack Draft Healthcare Industry Flow

The healthcare industry is made up of many organizations and factors. These vary by country. This simulator assigns scores and attributes associated with the below organizations and factors to produce "shock waves" (or outcomes across the industry) to help:

  • Citizens understand how impacts of government, insurance company and other organization policies might affect them and others
  • Insurance organizations assess risk, properly price premiums, develop new models, and/or enhance social development initiatives
  • Government agencies see through retoric and into likely outcomes of collective decision-making results
  • Healthcare providers (such as medical staff) understand more clearly how their recommendations and/or spending decisions may affect patient outcomes financially

Organization types include:

  • Hospitals
  • Private Health Insurance Companies
  • Healthcare Provider Networks
  • Pharmaceutical Distributors and Manufacturers
  • Pharmacies
  • Primary Care/Specialist Offices
  • Healthcare Lobbying Firms
  • Government Healthcare Subsidy and Insurance Programs (e.g. In US: Medicare, Medicaid)
  • Medical Associations (e.g. in US: AMA)
  • Healthcare Governmental Regulatory Bodies (e.g. in US: FDA)
  • Medical Education Institutions
  • Medical Malpractice and Other Healthcare-Related Law Firms
  • Medical Device and Equipment Companies
  • Hospital Non-Medical Vendors (e.g. nonclinical entities such as a hospital's janitorial service )
  • Health IT Companies
  • Healthcare Billing And Payment Processing Firms

Factor types include:

  • Pharmaceuticals on-the-market and associated attributes such as retail cost, inclusion in health provider networks, generic alternatives, overseas cost, regulatory status (approved, clinical trial period, etc), marketing spend by manufacturer, size/expected size of market, production cost, effectiveness, side effects, etc.

  • Patient deseases and associated attributes such as mortality rate, popular treatments/treatment costs, percentage of population prone to and existing with desease, population growth trend of the desease, level of complications associated with non-treatment, and other factors.

  • Mass Patient Statistics of Population, such as: average hospital visits per annum, average percentage of out-of-pocket medical expenses directly from consumers (in U.S. this is approximately 10%), average insurance company premium costs to consumers by age and gender, and other factors

  • Drug and other Healthcare Research Spending and Results/Impacts

  • Addictive Pharma Stats and Growth Trends (e.g. persciption Opiod addition levels in the US)

  • Number of available doctors and other medical staff, along with yearly growth trend

  • Inflation and other Macro-Factors such as interest rates

  • Proportion of Government-incurred costs to citizen out-of-pocket costs (e.g. universality of healthcare system)

  • Price variability by service/product/location/healthcare network membership (not as applicable in single-payer systems such as Japan and UK)

  • Political influence of private healthcare organizations (as measured by former employees of private non-clinical healthcare organizations serving in high levels of legislative, executive and judicial government and other factors such as lobbying spending, number of healthcare related legislation unrelated to cost-reduction per annum)

  • Country GDP per capita

  • Type of rule-of-law, average ligitation costs per annum per hopsital/heathcare provider, malpractice litigation penalty reward average per patient, average cost of regulatory adherence per hospital by size, and associated factors

This repository will be developed with Javascript, so that others can easily build client-side visualizations on top of this.

More docs coming soon.