
This is the repository for data of the paper "Political Honeymoon Effect on Social Media: Characterizing Social Media Reaction to the Changes of Prime Minister in Japan."
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.02827 (This paper got accepted at WebSci2023. The proceeding version will be updated after the release.)

The data is ids of about 6.6M tweets.

If you use this data, please cite our paper properly.

  title={Political Honeymoon Effect on Social Media: Characterizing Social Media Reaction to the Changes of Prime Minister in Japan},
  author={Miyazaki, Kunihiro and Murayama, Taichi and Matsui, Akira and Nishikawa, Masaru and Uchiba, Takayuki and Kwak, Haewoon and An, Jisun},
  journal={ACM WebSci},