
Code for the ttH reconstruction using chi^2

Primary LanguageC++


Code used for the ttH reconstruction using 3 different $chi^2$:

  • chi3 is a chi^2 with 3 d.o.f which constrains the W_1 and W_2 masses and requires the equality of t_1 and t_2 masses
  • chi4 is a chi^2 with 4 d.o.f which constrains the W_1 and W_2 masses and also t_1 and t_2 masses
  • chi5 is a chi^2 with 5 d.o.f which constrains the W_1, W_2, t_1 and t_2 masses an also H mass

To Run:

root -l maintth_new.cc

You can use also this file as input: /lustre/cmswork/hh/alp_moriond_base/ttH_4jets2cmva/ttHTobb_short.root


The output is a root file containing all the histograms