
Galvanize Data Science Analytics capstone

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Tovio - Galvanize Data Science Analytics capstone



  • What do you do with highly correlated and partially Y-derived data?
  • Why might it be worthwhile to make categorical predictions on derived features?

What I did

  • Explored the kdd99 data
  • Tested significant differences in ratios of attack categories
  • Downsampled majority class
  • Applied a logistic regression model to single features and recorded False Negative and Accuracy rates

The original KD99 competition

  • The data come from a machine learning competition held in 1999. See http://kdd.ics.uci.edu/databases/kddcup99/kddcup99.html
  • The task was to create a predictive model able to categorize a wide variety of bad connections or attacks into four main categories.
  • Additionally, malicious connections should be categorized separately from "normal" connections.


  • leveraged bash to pull arbitrary numbers of random samples from the data
    • (>700000 rows)
    • quick visualization and sanity checks
  • abstracted functions into relevant classes
    • reusability
    • not trapped in jupyter
  • Tried out a lot of things, abandoned almost everything

Exploratory Data Analysis

What is unique about this data?

  • It was generated artificially and shared incrementally as TCP dumps, totalling roughly 4GB in total.
  • Many of the 42 features were derived and interrelated with the predictant
  • A basic logistic regression model, given a set of features with < |0.60| correlation will easily predict on the training data at "too high" an accuracy.

The Data

  • no null values
  • mix of numeric and categorical types
  • smurf attacks (DOS) comprise 57% of the rows
  • many types of values for
    • service
    • flag

Too Much Smurf


ICMP Supreme

Protocol Types

icmp    405033
tcp     267370
udp      27597
  • ICMP - (from wikipedia): is used by network devices, including routers, to send error messages and operational information indicating, for example, that a requested service is not available or that a host or router could not be reached.
  • Keep in mind that many attack types only happen over certain protocols.

ICMP Attack Labels

ICMP Attack Labels

ICMP Attack Labels

No Clear Distributions in Features

High zero-only values for some columns:

At 700000 samples:
 land has only zero values
 num_outbound_cmds has only zero values
 is_host_login has only zero values

Other features have weird distributions

Weird Distribution


How helpful is this Correlation Heatmap?

Raw Correlation Matrix

Not as helpful as a list of high correlations:

{('count', 'dst_host_same_src_port_rate'): 0.862
 ('dst_host_rerror_rate', 'dst_host_srv_rerror_rate'): 0.987
 ('dst_host_rerror_rate', 'srv_rerror_rate'): 0.985
 ('dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 'dst_host_same_srv_rate'): 0.676


Hypothesis Tests

Are the proportions of connections that are attacks consistent across protocol types?

  • recall that normal. is not an attack.
  • we will get counts of normal and everything else

From the graphics above, it seems likely that ICMP garners a higher proportion of attacks than TCP or UDP. We can perform a chi-squared test for proportions to check if there is a statistical difference.

  • ALPHA = 0.05
  • df = 1
  • total sample size: 700000

Proportion of attacks/connections for each protocol_type


Number of icmp Connections: 405033
Number of Attacks: 403238
Number Normal: 1795
Cat   Count
2    401455
0      1795
1      1783


Number of tcp Connections: 267832
Number of Attacks: 157741
Number Normal: 110091
Cat   Count
2    153805
0    110091
1      3762
4       166
3         8


Number of udp Connections: 27850
Number of Attacks: 413
Number Normal: 27437
Cat   Count
0    27437
1      279
2      134

Test ICMP vs TCP attack proportion

  • H0: the proportion of connections recorded that are attacks is not significantly different between ICMP and TCP
  • HA: the proportion of connections recorded that are attacks is significantly different between ICMP and TCP
  • ALPHA = 0.05
  • df = 1

Perform chi-square test for proportion

from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
obs = np.array([[icmp_obs_attacks,
      icmp_obs_normal],[tcp_obs_attacks, tcp_obs_normal]])
chi2, p, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(obs)

-The null hypothesis of independence is rejected if chi-squared is large enough, because this means that observed frequencies and expected frequencies are far apart.


Reject H0, there is a significant difference
in attack/connection proportion between ICMP and TCP

chi-square test statistic: 192072.97
           p-value       : 0.00
           deg of freedom: 1.00

Test TCP vs UDP attack proportion

  • H0: the proportion of connections recorded that are attacks is not significantly different between TCP and UDP
  • HA: the proportion of connections recorded that are attacks is significantly different between TCP and UDP
  • ALPHA = 0.05
  • df = 1

Perform chi-square test for proportion


Reject H0, there is a significant difference in attack/connection
           proportion between TCP and UDP
chi-square test statistic: 33421.43
           p-value       : 0.00
           deg of freedom: 1.00

Further test to perform:

  • Create filters of services
  • Test if proportions of services:attack types are significantly different
  • Use top 10 count of services, so 10-row chi test


I chose to only model for one category of attack

  • Since denial of service floods servers with response requests, it was the majority category of attack type.
  • Used only a logistic regression
  • Built a reusable template that can take other models
  • Iterated through and gathered Error Type metrics on selected list of features

Attack labels fall into 5 categories:

  1. Normal: not an attack
  2. Probe: surveillance and other probing, e.g., port scanning
  3. DOS: denial-of-service, e.g. syn flood
  4. U2R: unauthorized access to local superuser (root) privileges, e.g., various `buffer overflow`` attacks
  5. R2L: unauthorized access from a remote machine, e.g. guessing password;
  • (some descriptions of the problem have 5 categories)

Over 20 types of attack to be categorized for model training

Attack labels per category

  • 0 - Normal: 139294 categorized
  • 1 - Probe: 5833 categorized
  • 2 - DOS: 554699 categorized
  • 3 - U2R: 8 categorized
  • 4 - R2L: 166 categorized

Transforming the data

  • split target Y into 1 for DOS (Denial of Service) and 0 for everything else
  • wrote methods to auto-drop any features with >.60 correlation coefficients
  • dropped rows of the majority class to get 50/50 spread of Y values


Correlation After

Wrote utilities to model list of chosen features, one by one

  • populate pandas dataframe with confusion matrix values
  • output metrics on each feature

... on service

  • network service on the destination, e.g., http, telnet, etc.

      Running classifier on ['service']

 Modified Y to balance 1s and 0s
 1    145236
 0    145236
 Name: attack_category, dtype: int64

 True Positives: 28989
 True Negatives: 26437
 False Positives: 2551
 False Negatives: 118

 Accuracy: 0.954
 Classification_error: 0.045
 Recall: 0.995
 Precision: 0.919
 False Negative Rate: 0.004

 confusion matrix
 [[26437  2551]
  [  118 28989]]

Accuracy of Each Feature

Single Feature Accuracy

False Negative Rate of Each Feature

Single Feature Accuracy

Bringing this into the world

  • Currently not very useful or meaningful
    • should really use combinations of at least 2 features
  • How well can derived features be discerned in real time?
    • How few computed features do you need to make a good guess
    • What is the computation cost on the derivation of any given feature in real time
  • What is the cost of false negatives?
    • If your home router is compromised
    • Equihacks?

What I Scrapped

  • Attempted to apply lasso, with little success
    • Instead incorporated l1 into LogisticRegression(penalty='l1')
  • Built a pipeline, scrapped it in favor of utilities that call each other
    • Tried crossval, but decided to get a working model first, ran out of time

What I would like to add

  • Modeling
    • Run the model on the actual test data
    • Train models on the other attack categories
    • pass in kNN model maybe?
    • Run Combinations on the features
  • Real World
    • Cost matrix for the theoretical ramifications of False Negatives
    • Incorporate data related to computational cost for features derived in real time
    • Work with current data set of attacks

Features in the raw dataset

feature name description type
duration length (number of seconds) of the connection continuous
protocol_type type of the protocol, e.g. tcp, udp, etc. discrete
service network service on the destination, e.g., http, telnet, etc. discrete
src_bytes number of data bytes from source to destination continuous
dst_bytes number of data bytes from destination to source continuous
flag normal or error status of the connection discrete
land 1 if connection is from/to the same host/port; 0 otherwise discrete
wrong_fragment number of ``wrong'' fragments continuous
urgent number of urgent packets continuous

Basic features of individual TCP connections.

feature name description type
hot number of ``hot'' indicators continuous
num_failed_logins number of failed login attempts continuous
logged_in 1 if successfully logged in; 0 otherwise discrete
num_compromised number of ``compromised'' conditions continuous
root_shell 1 if root shell is obtained; 0 otherwise discrete
su_attempted 1 if ``su root'' command attempted; 0 otherwise discrete
num_root number of ``root'' accesses continuous
num_file_creations number of file creation operations continuous
num_shells number of shell prompts continuous
num_access_files number of operations on access control files continuous
num_outbound_cmds number of outbound commands in an ftp session continuous
is_hot_login 1 if the login belongs to the ``hot'' list; 0 otherwise discrete
is_guest_login 1 if the login is a ``guest''login; 0 otherwise discrete

for more info: http://kdd.ics.uci.edu/databases/kddcup99/task.html