
This is a JavaScript code for a to-do list application that allows users to add, edit, and delete tasks. The tasks are saved to local storage so that they persist even if the browser is closed.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

In this code, the todos array stores all the user's tasks. Whenever a task is added, edited, or deleted, the saveTodos() function is called which saves the tasks in local storage using localStorage.setItem("todos", JSON.stringify(todos));

To load the tasks from storage when the page is loaded, the loadTodos() function is called which retrieves the tasks from local storage using localStorage.getItem("todos"), and then parses the JSON string using JSON.parse() to get the array of tasks.


To add a new task to your to-do list:

1-Type your task into the input box under "Add a new task"

2-Press "Enter" on your keyboard, or click the "Add" button

To edit an existing task in your to-do list:

1-Click the "Edit" button next to the task you want to edit

2-Type your new task description into the prompt that appears

3-Press "OK" to save the changes, or "Cancel" to discard the changes

To mark a task as completed:

1-Check the checkbox to the left of the task

2-The task will be crossed out and moved to the bottom of the list

To delete a task from your to-do list:

1-Click the "Delete" button next to the task you want to delete

2-The task will be removed from the list

Codepen :
