This is my first app build with Laravel 5.8
admin: / 12345678
- CRUD operations to the blog post.
- Creating and Deleting comment for user and blog post.
- Tags for blog post and comment.
- Statistic sidebar on the right side runs on cache (Redis).
- Queues for sending markdown emails (Redis).
- Service "Currently Reading" (App\Services\Counter).
- Localizaton (EN|RU).
- CRUD operations to the blog post.
- CRUD operation to the blog post comment.
- Web App
- Clone this repo into a new directory.
- Add .env file and set params to connect to your database.
- Run
composer install
- Run
npm install
- Run
php artisan key:generate
- Run
php artisan db:seed
- Update Redis configuration. Redis Labs
- Update MailTrap configuration. MailTrap
- Run
php artisan storage:link
- Create database 'laravel-testing' to the tests.
- Run
php artisan queue:work --tries=3 --timeout=15 --queue=high,default,low
The Laravel framework is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.