
Spatial location and trial data for off-site species trials

Primary LanguageRApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Series of functions and scripts to analyze silviculture information for tree species planted outside their natural range in British Columbia.


So far, this package has the following functions:

  • extractData() to download silviculture information for a given species and region in the province. This function uses the bcdata package to query RESULTS. Careful, this function can take a long time to download.
  • cleanData() cleans data returned from the extractData() function for analysis.


You can download this package from Github directly:


Load the library into your workspace:



First thing is to download some species data for a certain region. In this example, let’s download silviculture information for Douglas-fir planted in Skeena Region:


This will take a few minutes. Note that I provided several species codes to the function. This package already comes with this dataset (?rskFDI)

Next, let’s clean the data:

x<- cleanData(rskFDI)

Data summaries

Now we can summarize some of the data. Let’s omit data for polygons in climatic units that the Chief Forester’s Reference Guide already lists Douglas-fir as suitable:

  cfrgPG %>%
  mutate(Spp=toupper(Spp)) %>% # convert spp to uppercase to match RESULTS
  filter(Spp%in%"FD") %>%   # filter for species of interest
  anti_join(x,.,by=c("BGC"="ZoneSubzone")) # anti join returns X where it is not listed in CFRG

Note this just lists polygons in climatic units where Douglas-fir is not currently considered acceptable on any site series, according to the CFRG. This code ignores site series.

Now we can summarize data:

spp_offsite %>% 
  group_by(BGC) %>% 
  summarize(Num.openings=n(), # Summarize number of openings planted with Fd
            Area.planted=sum(SILV_POLYGON_AREA,na.rm=T), # summarize area planted with Fd
            Total.WS.trees=sum(WELL_SPACED_HA,na.rm=T)) %>% # summarize total Fd well spaced
  filter(BGC!="NANA") # remove NA BGC units
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#>   BGC    Num.openings Area.planted Total.WS.trees
#>   <chr>         <int>        <dbl>          <dbl>
#> 1 ESSFmc           48       1685.           13209
#> 2 ICHmc1           32        664             7721
#> 3 SBSd              3          5.4            920
#> 4 SBSmc             3         14.4           1160
#> 5 SBSmc2          910      28499.          290626

Project Status


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To report bugs/issues/feature requests, please file an issue.

How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute to the package, please see our CONTRIBUTING guidelines.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Copyright 2019 Province of British Columbia

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This project was created using the bcgovr package.