Clone or download repository, copy the contents of .devcontainer into your project Remove any existing "build" directory.
Copy the file to /etc/udev/rules.d on your host computer and restart udev (systemctl restart udev)
Open the folder, and allow the container to build.
- Configured to use cmsis-dap for picoprobe
- SDK is installed in /pico-sdk
- All USB devices are exported to container - so the picoprobe can be found and used.
- USB Device /dev/ttyACM0 is exported to container for monitoring
Change the repository for OpenOCD in the Dockerfile, comment out the line that clones from openocd and comment in the line that clones raspberry pi. Then change the launch.json to comment in the correct launch command.
- pico-sdk
- openocd - compiled for picoprobe and cmsis-dap
- picotool
- bootterm (for serial monitoring) - see