
Background service worker for converting bulk word documents to Pdfs using LibreOffice 7

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Word to PDF Converter Background Service (LibreOffice 7) for .NET 6


This .NET 6 Background Service Worker is designed to convert bulk Word documents to PDFs using LibreOffice 7. The service runs in the background, monitoring a specified directory for incoming Word documents and automatically converting them to PDF format.


  • .NET 6 SDK: Ensure you have the .NET 6 SDK installed on your machine. You can download it here.

  • LibreOffice 7: Install LibreOffice 7 on your system. You can download it here.


1. Configure LibreOffice Path:

  • Open the appsettings.json file.
  • Update the LibreOfficePath setting with the path to your LibreOffice 7 installation.
  • If soffice is globally enabled, set IsGlobal to true
"LibreOfficeConfig": {
    "IsGlobal": false,
    "Path": "C:\\Program Files\\LibreOffice\\program\\soffice.exe"

2. Configure Where Word and PDF Documents Storage Path:

  • Open the appsettings.json file.
  • Update the DocFilesPath setting with the path to the directory where Word documents will be placed for conversion.
  • Update the DocFilesPath setting with the path to the directory where PDF documents will be stored.
"DocumentConversionConfig": {
    "DocFilesPath": "C:\\DocConv\\docx",
    "PdfFilesPath": "C:\\DocConv\\pdf"

Restore Packages

  dotnet restore

Build and Run the Application

  dotnet build
  dotnet run
