As long as TAP doesn't offer first-class blue/green, canary deployment support OOTB, this repository aims to show how it can be implemented with common tools used for it.
To see the advanced deployment strategies in action, you have to fork the repository or use another sample application.
A canary rollout is a deployment strategy where the operator releases a new version of their application to a small percentage of the production traffic. A Blue-green deployment is a deployment strategy where two versions of an application or service are deployed ("blue" (aka staging) and a "green" (aka production)) to do quality assurance and user acceptance testing of a new version. User traffic is shifted from the green to the blue version once new changes have been tested and accepted.
- Doesn't work with Service-Bindings or other modifications to the Knative Serving Service that happen in the cluster due to the deterministic naming of Revisions used for multi-cluster support.
kubectl apply -f -n $DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE
Customize a OOTB supply chain you exported from the cluster by changing the name, adding unique selectors and removing all generated fields (like annotations, status, ...).
Add the revision-config-provider
resource before the app-config
resource for which you have to add the output of the revision-config-provider
to the inputs and change the templateRef
to config-template-knative
- configs:
- name: config
resource: config-provider
name: revision-config-provider
kind: ClusterConfigTemplate
name: revision-config-template-knative
- configs:
- name: revisionconfig
resource: revision-config-provider
- name: specconfig
resource: config-provider
name: app-config
kind: ClusterConfigTemplate
name: config-template-knative
Apply the custom templates to the cluster.
kubectl apply -f knative/
Create and apply a Workload with the following .spec.source
configuration if you forked the repository and the labels you chose for the supplyc chain.
branch: main
subPath: sample-app/
For both advanced deployment strategies it's recommended to use GitOps to shift the traffic between the deployed versions by editing the configuration in the repository.
If you're using RegistryOps ot want to use e.g. the kn CLI to do it directly at the deployed resource in the cluster, you have to customize the OOTB ClusterDelivery and ClusterDeploymentTemplate via rebaseRules
for the App
resource because kapp-controller will otherwise revert your changes.
- Change something in your sample application after the first deployment to deploy a new version.
- Get the url via TAP GUI,
tanzu apps workload get <workload_name> -n <developer_namespace>
kubectl get kservice <workload_name> -n <developer_namespace> -o jsonpath='{.status.url}'
- Shift traffic step by step to the latestRevision by editing the Knative Serving Service resource in e.g. the GitOps repository.
- latestRevision: true
percent: 0
tag: blue
- revisionName: <previous-revision-name>
percent: 100
tag: green
- latestRevision: true
percent: 25
tag: blue
- revisionName: <previous-revision-name>
percent: 75
tag: green
- Change something in your sample application after the first deployment to deploy athe new, blue version.
- Do quality assurance and user acceptance testing with the blue version. You can get the url via the following command:
kubectl get kservice <workload_name> -n <developer_namespace> -o jsonpath='{.status.traffic[?(@.tag=="blue")].url}'
- Shift traffic to the blue version by editing the Knative Serving Service resource in e.g. the GitOps repository.
- latestRevision: true
percent: 0
tag: blue
- revisionName: <previous-revision-name>
percent: 100
tag: green
- latestRevision: true
percent: 100
tag: blue
- revisionName: <previous-revision-name>
percent: 0
tag: green
- Doesn't work with Knative Serving (Horizontal Pod Autoscaling is supported by ArgoCD Rollouts)
- Automated ingress creation for multi cluster setup is out of scope of this example and only possible with additional customizations in the ClusterDelivery
- Doesn't work for
Install ArgoCD and Argo Rollouts in the run cluster.
Customize a OOTB supply chain you exported from the cluster by changing the name, adding unique selectors and removing all generated fields (like annotations, status, ...).
ytt -f argocd/supply-chain/supply-chain.yaml -f argocd/supply-chain/rbac.yaml -f argocd/supply-chain/config-template-multi-cluster.yaml -v gitops_repository_owner=tsalm -v container_registry.repository=tap-wkld -v -v ingress.domain="" -v developer_namespace=default
Change the templateRef
to config-template-argo
for the app-config
- configs:
- name: config
resource: config-provider
name: app-config
kind: ClusterConfigTemplate
name: config-template-argo
- name: ingress_domain
value: <tap-ingress-domain>
Apply the related custom template to the cluster.
kubectl apply -f argocd/config-template.yaml
Apply the RBAC configuration to the developer namespace the Workload for the sample application will be applied to.
ytt -f argocd/rbac.yaml -v developer_namespace=<dev-ns> | kubectl apply -f -
Change the templateRef
to config-template-argo
for the app-config
- configs:
- name: config
resource: config-provider
name: app-config
kind: ClusterConfigTemplate
name: config-template-argo
Apply the related custom template to the cluster.
kubectl apply -f argocd/config-template-multi-cluster.yaml
Apply the RBAC configuration to the developer namespace of the run cluster the sample application will be applied to.
ytt -f argocd/rbac.yaml -v developer_namespace=<dev-ns> | kubectl apply -f -
For both setups create a Workload with the following .spec.source
configuration if you forked the repository and the labels you chose for the supplyc chain.
branch: main
subPath: sample-app/
Add / update the following parameter to / in your Workload and apply it.
- name: deployment_strategy
value: canary
- Change something in your sample application after the first deployment to deploy a new version.
- Get the url of the application.
- For the single cluster setup you can run the following command.
kubectl get httpproxy <workload_name> -n <developer_namespace> -o jsonpath='{.spec.virtualhost.fqdn}'
- For the multi cluster setup you can manually create an ingress object on it or expose the Service to your local machine via the following command, which makes the application available at http://localhost
kubectl port-forward service/<workload_name> -n <developer_namespace> 80:8080
- Call the url several times to see how the traffic will be automatically shifted step-by-step and/or run
watch "kubectl get replicaset -n dev | grep argo"
Add / update the following parameter to / in your Workload and apply it.
- name: deployment_strategy
value: blue-green
- Change something in your sample application after the first deployment to deploy athe new, blue version.
- Do quality assurance and user acceptance testing with the blue version. You can get the url via the following command:
- For the single cluster setup you can run the following command.
kubectl get httpproxy <workload_name>-blue -n <developer_namespace> -o jsonpath='{.spec.virtualhost.fqdn}'
- For the multi cluster setup you can manually create an ingress object on it or expose the Service to your local machine via the following command, which makes the application available at http://localhost
kubectl port-forward service/<workload_name>-blue -n <developer_namespace> 80:8080
- Shift traffic to the blue version by running the following command with the kubectl argo plugin.
kubectl argo rollouts promote <workload_name> -n <developer_namespace>
helm repo add flagger
helm upgrade -i flagger flagger/flagger \
--namespace tanzu-system-ingress \
--set meshProvider=contour \
--set ingressClass=contour \
--set prometheus.install=true
- Contour (Ingress Controller)
- Spring Cloud Gateway / VMware Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes