
A python script to create a quick PDF resume

Primary LanguagePython


Resume Creator

This python script creates PDF resumes using variables from a YAML file. You can give it a YAML file to use, or a directory if you want to process multiple YAML files one after another. If no file name, or directory was passed, it will look for vars.yaml as its input YAML file by default.

Install requirements

The script uses pdfkit which depends on wkhtmltopdf.

Install wkhtmltopdf:


$ sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf


$ brew install homebrew/cask/wkhtmltopdf

If you are using Windows, I don't know, search for how to install wkhtmltopdf.

Now, installing the required libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt

or pip3 for python3


  1. Add the data you want to display in the resume to vars.yaml or the YAML file you want to use. Some fields are requried and some aren't, depending on the template.

Look in the yamls directory for examples.

template: Compact

# color in hex: rrggbb
primary color: 008080

full name: Mohamed Wafy

job title: Frontend Developer

summary: |
  Frontend Developer, Backend Developer, and Computer Science student with experince with frontend and backend technologies, cloud, linux and teamwork.

  - Portfolio: https://mowafy001.github.io/portfolio/
  - GitHub: https://github.com/MoWafy001
  - LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/mohamedwafy
  - wafy123445@gmail.com: mailto:wafy123445@gmail.com
  - "+201127813978": tel:+201127813978

  - Egypt
  - Egypt | Alex
  - Egypt | Cairo

  - React
  - SASS
  - Bootstrap
  - NodeJS
  - GitHub
  - Linux
  - Cloud
  - Googling
  - CSS
  - JavaScript
  - Python
  - PHP

  - Intern Backend Developer, Airdonex:
    - Sep 2021 - Dec 2021
    - |
      - Created RESTful APIs
      - Created a login system
      - Managed a PostgreSQL Database

      Highlighted skills: Django - PostgreSQL

  - Fullstack Developer, freelance:
    - Mar 2021 - May 2021
    - |
      - Created a Speech-To-Text API
      - Another API to convert file formats
      - Created a Systemd service to automate
      - processes on a Linux server
      - Created a flask app to render DZI images

      Highlighted skills: Linux - Flask - Python - API Development

  - Member of The Google Developer Student Club - GDSC Damanhour University:
    - Aug 2021 - Jun 2022
    - |
      - Teaching fellow students coding, Node JS in particular.
      - Creating a course and find materials.
      - Giving online session, and doing projects.

      Highlighted skills: Team Work - NodeJS

  - React Developement Cross-Skilling Nanodegree, Udacity:
    - "2022"
    - |
      Highlighted skills:

  - Advanced Web Development Nano Degree, Udacity:
    - "2021"
    - |
      Highlighted skills:
      API Development
      Backend Developement
      Model View Controller Model

  - Web Development Professional Nano Degree, Udacity:
    - "2020"
    - |
      Highlighted skills:
      Building responsive pages
      Integrating APIs

  - Intermediate Python, DataCamp:
    - "2022"
    - |
      Highlighted skills:
  1. run the script
# this will use vars.yaml by default
python3 script.py
# this will use a specific yaml file
python3 script.py file.yaml
# This will look for a directory named "yamls" and process all the yaml files in it, one by one
python3 script.py yamls


The name of the output file is the full name of the user followed by an _ followed by the job title.
