-> Deadlock Project: 1. Implement 'detect' function in Deadlock-Project/main.py file. -> Scheduler Project: 1. Implement function 'perform_schedule' function in Scheduler-Project/simulator/schedulers/{fcfs, rr, sjf, srtf}. Note: fcfs: First Come First Serve, rr:Round Robin, sjf: Shortest Job First, srtf: Shortest Remaining Time First 2. For installation run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install the required python packages. 3. To run: `python -m simulator <filename>` Note input file should have the format for each line: `<process id> <arriving time> <burst time>` 4. The program will write a line in the following format every time the CPU performs a context switch: `(<timestamp>, <process id>)` and lastly output the average waiting time: `Average waiting time <waiting time>` The outputs will be written in a file with the name of the scheduler and stored in the folder called `schedules`.