
Django Ecommerce app with advanced features

Primary LanguageHTML

MyTech® - Your Technology --- Django Ecommerce App with Advanced Features


Images and Prices are only used for Demo purpose!

Admin credentials

Email address: admin@mytek.com Password: mytek2021

Run the project

Install requirements.txt in your venv or pipenv like I did.


Programming Languages used

  • JavaScript, jQuery and Django templating language


  • Django and Python

Project current functionalities

User Management

  • User signup and password reset with email verification
  • User password change while logged in
  • Change basic information

Category Functionalities

  • Query of products related categrory

Products Functionalities

  • Auto-decrement Stock product
  • Auto-Discount appliance
  • Product rating and average rating calculation
  • If stock is 0, Out of stock will take the place of Add to cart button

Cart Functionalities

  • Add and remove products in cart
  • Cart items are saved before and after login using sessionID
  • Add and remove cart items

Search Bar

  • Query using keywords


  • Products pagination


  • Products checkout
  • PayPal payment with PayPal sandbox demonstration
  • Order review before confirmation
  • Order receipt

Admin Functionalities

  • Python-decouple
  • Admin Honeypot

Project Live Demo will be set on AWS Elastic Beanstalk by 1 October, 2021

Project Next Functionalities

  • MFA
  • Sub-Categories
  • Live Chat Support
  • Change Email address
  • Newsletter
  • Wishlist