
This application was implemented for a task to get an internship in Master Micro Company. It is a Function Plotter app with Nice and Responsive GUI that takes 3 inputs: Any 1-Variable Mathematical Function, Minimum value of the variable and Maximum value of the variable. Then it plots this function if it is valid.

Primary LanguagePython


alt text

Build With :

Getting Started

This is an list of needed instructions to set up your project locally, to get a local copy up and running follow these instructuins.


  1. Clone the repository
    $ git clone https://github.com/MoazHassan2022/Function-Plotter.git
  2. Navigate to repository directory
    $ cd Function-Plotter
  3. Install dependencies
    $ python -m pip install -U matplotlib
    $ pip install PyQt5
    $ pip install -U pytest


  1. Run the Function Plotter
    $python application.py
  2. Running pytest tests
    $cd Testing
    $pytest -v

Editing Design

  1. Install QT tools
    $pip install pyqt5-tools
  2. Start the designer

Project Structure

├── Screenshots
├── Images
├── Testing
├── plotter.py
├── main.ui
├── valdiation.py
├── application.py


This application was implemented for a task to get an internship in Master Micro Company.
It is a Function Plotter app with Nice and Responsive GUI that takes 3 inputs:

  1. Any 1-Variable Mathematical Function.

  2. Minimum value of the variable.

  3. Maximum value of the variable.

Then it plots this function if it is valid.


  1. Empty input for function!

  2. Empty input for Minimum and Maximum values

  3. Entered string in Minimum or Maximum value

  4. Invalid syntax in function

  5. Minimum value is bigger than Maximum value

  6. Using forbidden input in function like import(DANGEROUS!)

  7. Valid function 1

  8. Valid function 2

Documentation Video

Go to video