Gradle plugin to help embed dependencies in generated AAR artifact
- 3
- 2
No source code included
#46 opened by zaihuishou - 2
- 10
Merging resources causing package R to not exist
#45 opened by adamqure - 8
- 0
Merge layouts
#44 opened by gpallas16 - 2
BUILD FAILED when building fat AAR
#36 opened by nitishjain24 - 1
need support for local aar
#37 opened by feitengbing2014 - 0
Modules in subfolder
#40 opened by impvhc - 9
Unrecognized non-utf-8 encoding
#11 opened by GavinQin - 1
Resources is not working properly
#42 opened by impvhc - 5
Run assembleRelease or assembleDebug task of example-lib, the output aar does not include the nested-lib and nested-native-lib
#29 opened by wingyippp - 0
Auto merge AndroidManifest.xml
#38 opened by liushuai42 - 3
Doesn't build project dependencies
#34 opened by topher-h - 0
Error building AAR
#35 opened by mariuco - 4
How to merge aar Manifest.xml?
#13 opened by kylingo - 0
two libraries can't merge to one aar file
#33 opened by docwei2050 - 4
chinese characters not support
#22 opened by epwtrq - 8
R.txt cannot generate
#14 opened by stanleychan - 1
- 2
Do not support publish generated aar to maven
#23 opened by bangelua - 0
- 0
Test issue
#24 opened by oscarcpozas - 3
Support for local external dependencies
#18 opened by jonbryantnz - 0
Rewrite plugin to Kotlin
#19 opened by oscarcpozas - 0
Crash when renaming jar file
#16 opened by jonbryantnz - 1
Merged aar not contain R$layout issue
#12 opened by kylingo - 6
- 1
Support for multiple flavours
#9 opened by lionel-faber - 3
What does packagesToInclude do?
#8 opened by devpascoe - 1 issues
#1 opened by NicoToast - 3
Internal dependency minify issue
#2 opened by NicoToast - 1
The workspace has no example project
#3 opened by oscarcpozas - 3
Why it's generated two aar files?
#4 opened by lygstate - 1
- 1
When i use classpath '' or 3.1.1 the unspecified.arr is not right ,less more files
#6 opened by lgengsy