- 1
broken link
#108 opened by julienvillegas - 1
- 4
- 1
- 4
AdMob Native ads are not working
#84 opened by lukz - 1
Supported ADMOB version is outdated
#100 opened by bitdream - 4
- 1
- 1
Fix documentation
#97 opened by teletubo - 1
- 1
IOSLauncher: How to check build config is Development or Distribution provisioning profile.
#91 opened by nnkdev - 1
Firebase iOS Messaging update
#95 opened by compbatant - 1
Firebase Crashlytics and RoboVM
#89 opened by vminc - 1
Kochava tracking robopods
#88 opened by vminc - 1
Presenting AdMob Interstitial & Reward ads in fullscreen using iOS 13, Xcode 11
#86 opened by itsabhiaryan - 1
Admob Bindings update
#81 opened by apelt - 3
- 1
Update Facebook sdk
#79 opened by SinaZK - 10
How To Requesting Consent from European Users
#56 opened by nnkdev - 2
Disable / enable analytics collection
#71 opened by gerds0n - 5
- 9
Failed to resolve: com.mobidevelop.robovm:robopods-firebase-ios-analytics:2.3.3
#61 opened by IskanderNazarov - 4
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 when compiling with GoogleMobileAds framework
#68 opened by codedotspectra - 1
Push Notification
#36 opened by vnshine - 3
app crash by GADAdSizeFromNSValue
#35 opened by badboy-tian - 2
GADRewardBasedVideoAd crashes
#39 opened by lew487 - 2
- 1
Support for promoted purchases
#51 opened by SergeiLabutin - 1
- 4
- 4
Robopods for Admob + iOS 12, freezing
#62 opened by aberkowski - 8
Google Admob Banner on Bottom doesn't work
#28 opened by mustii82 - 0
- 14
Fabric not working with latest version
#30 opened by NathanMBui - 2
- 5
Could not find robopods-appodeal-ios
#47 opened by balepc - 10
- 0
Robopods Google Cloud Messaging
#32 opened by MrCharli3 - 4
- 4
How to use Game Center in ios project?
#31 opened by nnkdev - 0
- 0
- 4
linker command failed with exit code 1 using Facebook, Google ads and possibly others.
#25 opened by WillCalderwood - 1
No Pause or Resume Call after Admob Interstitial
#27 opened by mustii82 - 1
Please publish the stable 2.2.0 robopods
#23 opened by TomGrill - 1
Unable to use facebook robopod
#21 opened by kali-gandaki - 1
Several unrecognized selectors
#22 opened by ebbybeh - 1
- 0
Google Play Game Services roboPods - required file gpg.framework is no longer available.
#12 opened by julienvillegas - 0
Google Play Game Services RoboVM integration fails (GPGManager signIn:didSignInForUser:withError:]:[main] FAILED LOGGING INTO GOOGLE PLUS GAMES Error
#13 opened by julienvillegas