This exercise will challenge your NodeJS skills. You'll be given a starting point with specific technologies from our stack, which you should use to complete your task.
You'll work on a backend to support a movie gallery web application. This application should allow its users to view and manage movies, actors, and genres, as well as generate some reports to compare and rank actors. To get you started, you'll find an already developed plugin: /genres
-- feel free to use as an inspiration, as it is also inspired our current practices.
To complete this challenge, you should implement these following issues:
Already implemented
Genre payload:
id: number,
name: string,
Movie payload:
id: number,
name: string,
synopsis?: string
releasedAt: Date,
runtime: number, // minutes
Actor payload:
id: number,
name: string,
bio: string
bornAt: Date,
As a user, I want to get a list of movies that a given Actor starred on.
View Actor's favorite genre As a user, I want to get the favorite genre of a given Actor. Business Rule: the favorite genre is the one with the most appearances.
View Actor's number of Movies in Genres As a user, I want to get the number of movies by genre on an actor profile page.
View Actors in a Genre As a user, I want to get a list of actors for a given Genre ordered by movie appearances.
As a user, I want to get a list of character names of a given Actor.
- Node 12
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- MySql 5.7 (a docker image is already provided)
- We recommend
- VS Code with the REST Client plugin
- nvm
- direnv
Fork this repository into your GitHub workspace and work from there.
First start a database instance by running $ docker-compose up db
. After that, you can start the service by running $ npm run local
. This will start a development HTTP server on port TCP 8080, using the environment variables defined in You can develop using TDD with $ npm run test:tdd
. A linter is configured and can be run as $ npm run lint
Attention: tests are considered part of code and responsibility of the developer. Unit tests are provided alongside code, on spec.ts files. End to end tests are provided on docs. We expect the new code will also contain its own new test cases.
All changes to the database should be made using Knex Migrations. There is already one migration in ./src/db/migrations. To clear the database to its original state, run $ docker-compose rm db
The solution should successfully build using $ docker-compose build
and should run using $ docker-compose up
You should submit the Fork link.