DashboardModule for iOS


DashboardModule is created by DATA MOTION PTE. LTD. and allows you to integrate with our UserService API & Indicators API in a few steps. DashboardModule allows you to embed a complete Dashboard screen into your app, and provide the user with all the detailed statistics based on their detailed statistics and trips.

DashboardModule has three main functions:

  1. Creating deviceToken for each new Telematics SDK user.
  2. Refeshing the jwToken when it is expired.
  3. Geting jwToken for existing SDK User.
  4. Provides out-of-the-box Dashboard UI access for your app.


Before you start, make sure you registered a company account in the Datahub and obtained InstanceId andInstanceKey. If you are new, please refer to the documentation and register your company account in Datahub. Sing Up

DashboardModule setup

The DashboardModule works closely with the LoginAuth.xcframework, which organizes the interaction to receive deviceToken, jwToken, refreshToken.

deviceToken - is the main individual SDK user identifier for your app. this identifier is used as a key across all our services.

jwToken - or JSON Web Token (JWT) is the main UserService API key, that allows you to get user individual statistics and user scorings by UserService APIs calls.

refreshToken - is a secret key that allows you to refresh the jwToken when it expires.

More information can be found in this LoginAuth.xcframework repository.

To integrate DashboardModule, you need to perform a few simple steps:

Step 1: Download demo project from this repository. Inside you will see the DashboardModule folder. You can copy this folder to your project. Thus, by making a call from your application, you can call the Dashboard:

UIViewController* rootVc = [[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"DashboardMain" bundle:nil] instantiateInitialViewController];
[UIView transitionWithView:self.window duration:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCrossDissolve animations:^{
    self.window.rootViewController = rootVc;
} completion:nil];

Step 2: Copy LoginAuth.xcframework to your iOS project folder where the rest of your project files are located.

Step 3: Open your project in xCode.

Step 4: Go to the first General tab of your project, select your Target.

Step 5: Scroll down to the "Frameworks, Libraries and Embeddeed Content" section.

Step 6: Drag&DropLoginAuth.xcframework from Finder project folder to this section, OR click the "Plus" button below, and select "Add Other" and manually specify the path to the LoginAuth.xcframework location.

Step 7: Add in header AppDelegate.h (or any file need for you) of your project this line #import <LoginAuth/LoginAuth.h>

Step 8: You must run the pod install command and install the dependencies required for the DashboardModule to work, the same as in this demo application.

pod 'RaxelPulse', '5.16'
pod 'AFNetworking'
pod 'JSONModel'
pod 'HEREMaps'
pod 'GKImagePicker@robseward'
pod 'TTTLocalizedPluralString'
pod 'SAMKeychain'
pod 'SystemServices'
pod 'UICountingLabel'
pod 'UIActionSheet+Blocks'
pod 'UIAlertView+Blocks'
pod 'CMTabbarView'
pod 'DLRadioButton'
pod 'YYWebImage'
pod 'SHSPhoneComponent'
pod "IQDropDownTextField"
pod "IQMediaPickerController"
pod 'libPhoneNumber-iOS', '~> 0.8'
pod 'KDLoadingView'
pod "RMessage", '~> 2.3.0'
pod 'CircleTimer', '0.2.0'
pod 'MagicalRecord', :git => 'https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord'

Step 9: You will need an HEREMaps API key's to display a preview of the last trip on the map. After creating your HERE account, open your project in https://developer.here.com/projects In the REST table click "Generate App".

Step 10: Click "Create API key"

Step 11: Enloy!


Create DeviceToken

Each SDK user has to have a deviceToken and be associated with the app users. To create deviceToken please use the method below. To complete a call, you are required to provide instanceId & instanceKey. If you still have quiestions on how to obtain the credentails, please refer to the documentation


 [[LoginAuthCore sharedManager] createDeviceTokenForUserWithInstanceId:@"instanceId"
                                                                result:^(NSString *deviceToken, NSString *jwToken, NSString *refreshToken) {
    NSLog(@"LoginAuthResponce deviceToken %@", deviceToken);
    NSLog(@"LoginAuthResponce jwToken %@", jwToken);
    NSLog(@"LoginAuthResponce refreshToken %@", refreshToken);


 LoginAuthCore.sharedManager()?.createDeviceTokenForUser(withInstanceId: "instanceId",
                                                            instanceKey: "instanceKey",
                                                            result: { (deviceToken, jwToken, refreshToken) in
        print("Success Create User")

Once user is registered, you will receive the user credentails. make sure you pass the deviceToken to your server and store it against a user profile, then pass it to your App - this is the main user detials that you will use for our services.

Refresh JWT

Each JWTtoken has a limmited lifetime and in a certain period of time it is expired. As a result, when you call our API using invalid JWTtoken you will receive an Error Unauthorized 401. Error 401 indicates that the user's JWTtoken has been expired. If so, as the first step, you have to update the JWToken.

To update the JWTtoken, you are required to provide the latest JWTtoken & refreshToken to the method below.


[[LoginAuthCore sharedManager] refreshJWTokenForUserWith:@"jwToken"
                                                  result:^(NSString *newJWToken, NSString *newRefreshToken) {

    NSLog(@"NEW jwToken %@", newJWToken);
    NSLog(@"NEW refreshToken %@", newRefreshToken);


LoginAuthCore.sharedManager()?.refreshJWTokenForUser(with: "jwToken",
                                                         refreshToken: "refreshToken",
                                                         result: { (newJWToken, newRefreshToken) in
        print("Success Refresh jwToken & refreshToken")

In response you will receive new JWTtokens.

Get JWT for existing SDK users

During the app usage, there may be several scenarios when the app loses JWTtoken, for example if the a user changes a smartphone or logs out. BTW, that is a reason why we strongly recommend you to store the deviceToken on your backend side. deviceToken cannot be restored if it is lost!

We provide you with a simple re-authorization, a method that you can use to get a valid JWTtoken for a particular user throught providing DeviceToken To use this mehod, you need deviceToken, instanceId, and instanceKey of which group the user belongs. in this case, Devicetoken works as a login, instancekey as a password. Then you can re-login the user and get a valid JWTtoken & refreshToken.


[[LoginAuthCore sharedManager] getJWTokenForUserWithDeviceToken:@"deviceToken"
                                                         result:^(NSString *jwToken, NSString *refreshToken) {
    NSLog(@"NEW JWT by DEVICETOKEN %@", jwToken);
    NSLog(@"NEW REFRESHTOKEN by DEVICETOKEN %@", refreshToken);


LoginAuthCore.sharedManager()?.getJWTokenForUser(withDeviceToken: "deviceToken",
                                                     instanceId: "instanceId",
                                                     instanceKey: "instanceKey",
                                                     result: { (jwToken, refreshToken) in
        print("Success Getting New jwToken & refreshToken by DeviceToken")

In response, you will receive a new jwToken and refreshToken.

Additional methods

Create DeviceToken with Parameters

Additionally, you can create a user's deviceToken and get the necessary keys (JWTtoken, refreshToken ) with additional parameters. This is not a required method, it just allows you to store the user profile in a different way. You can specify the below given parameters when creating a user's deviceToken:

  • userEmail
  • userPhone
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • address
  • birthday
  • gender
  • maritalStatus
  • childrenCount
  • clientId


[[LoginAuthCore sharedManager] createDeviceTokenForUserWithParametersAndInstanceId:@"instanceId"
                                                                            gender:@"Male"    // String Male/Female
                                                                     maritalStatus:@"1"       // String 1/2/3/4 = "Married"/"Widowed"/"Divorced"/"Single"
                                                                     childrenCount:@0         // int 1-10
                                                                          clientId:@"idOptional" result:^(NSString *deviceToken, NSString *jwToken, NSString *refreshToken) {
    NSLog(@"UserServiceResponce deviceToken %@", deviceToken);
    NSLog(@"UserServiceResponce jwToken %@", jwToken);
    NSLog(@"UserServiceResponce refreshToken %@", refreshToken);

You can always request information about the user profile anytime:

[[LoginAuthCore sharedManager] getUserProfileWithInstanceId:@"instanceId"
                                                    jwToken:@"jwToken" result:^(NSString *email, NSString *phone, NSString *firstName, NSString *lastName, NSString *address, NSString *birthday, NSString *gender, NSString *maritalStatus, NSString *childrenCount, NSString *clientId) {
    NSLog(@"Success fetch user profile");

And also, update the user profile with the following method:

[[LoginAuthCore sharedManager] updateUserProfileWithParametersAndInstanceId:@"instanceId"
                                                                     gender:@"Male"  // String Male/Female
                                                              maritalStatus:@"1"  // String 1/2/3/4 = "Married"/"Widowed"/"Divorced"/"Single"
                                                              childrenCount:@5    // int 1-10
                                                                   clientId:@"idOptionalNew" result:^(NSString *result) {
    NSLog(@"Success update user profile");

Happy coding!


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Official SDK and API references

Official ZenRoad web-page

Official ZenRoad app for iOS

Official ZenRoad app for Android

Official ZenRoad app for Huawei

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