
Source, data, and docs for the MobilityDB workshop

Primary LanguageDockerfile

MobilityDB Workshop

Every module in this workshop illustrates a usage scenario of MobilityDB. The data sets and the tools are described inside each of the modules.


You can generate the workshop documentation from the sources. Go to /docs directory and run:

  • In HTML format
    xsltproc --stringparam html.stylesheet "docbook.css" --stringparam chunker.output.encoding "UTF-8"  --xinclude -o index.html /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/docbook-xsl/html/chunk.xsl mobilitydb-workshop.xml
  • In PDF format
    dblatex -s texstyle.sty -T native -t pdf -o mobilitydb-workshop.pdf mobilitydb-workshop.xml 
  • In EPUB format
    dbtoepub -o mobilitydb-workshop.epub mobilitydb-workshop.xml

In addition, pregenerated versions of them are available for both the master and develop branches.

How the Repo is Organized

  • /data: raw data files used for some workshops
  • /docs: files needed to generate the workshop documentation from sources

Docker container

The workshop dependencies and data files are available in a Docker container running PostgreSQL-15, PostGIS-3.4 and MobilityDB-develop (version 1.1).

  • Pull the prebuilt image from the Docker Hub Registry.

    docker pull mobilitydb/mobilitydb:15-3.4-develop
  • Create a Docker volume to preserve the PostgreSQL database files outside of the container.

    docker volume create mobilitydb_data
  • Run the Docker container.

    docker run --name "mobilitydb" -d -p 5432 -v mobilitydb_data:/var/lib/postgresql mobilitydb/mobilitydb:12-2.5-develop-workshop 
  • Enter into the Docker container.

    docker exec -it mobilitydb bash
  • Connect to the database (username=docker, db=mobilitydb).

    psql -U docker -d mobilitydb 
  • The workshop data files are available in the workshop directory inside the container.


This workshop is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License