
Customisable native feed notifications for FiveM

Primary LanguageLua



Customisable native feed notifications for FiveM


  • Uses native UI
  • Designed to emulate the native GTA:O feed system
  • Can be positioned anywhere on screen unlike the native GTA:O notifications
  • Customisable colors, fonts, etc
  • Standard and advanced notifications
  • Animated stacking and fading
  • Supports reverse stacking for positioning at top of screen
  • Supports message formatting
  • Supports queuing and filtering duplicate notifications


Demo Videos


  • None

Download & Installation

  • Download and extract the package: https://github.com/Mobius1/FeedM/archive/master.zip
  • Rename the FeedM-master directory to FeedM
  • Drop the FeedM directory into your resources directory on your server
  • Add start FeedM in your server.cfg
  • Edit config.lua to your liking
  • Start your server and rejoice!


The config.lua file is set to emulate GTA:O as close as possible, but can be changed to fit your own needs.

Config.Enabled = true               -- Enable / disable
Config.Font = 4                     -- Font family
Config.Scale = 0.38                 -- Font size
Config.Width = 0.145                -- Box width
Config.Padding = 0.006              -- Box padding
Config.Spacing = 0.005              -- Box margin / seperation
Config.Queue = 5                    -- Message queue
Config.Position = "bottomLeft"      -- Position
Config.Animation = true             -- Toggle animation (fade out, stacking, etc)
Config.FilterDuplicates = true      -- Filter out duplicate notifications


Trigger notification from client

TriggerEvent("FeedM:showNotification", Message, Interval, Type)

Trigger notification from server

TriggerClientEvent("FeedM:showNotification", source, Message, Interval, Type)

Trigger advanced notification from client

TriggerEvent("FeedM:showAdvancedNotification", Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

Trigger advanced notification from server

TriggerClientEvent("FeedM:showAdvancedNotification", source, Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

Available params

  • Message - the main message text you want to display
  • Interval - The duration in ms you want the notification to be displayed
  • Type - Determines the bg color of the message box (primary, success, warning, danger)
  • Title - The title of the notification (advanced only)
  • Subject - The subject of the notification (advanced only)
  • Icon - The icon to be used (advanced only). A list of available icons can be found here.

Client Functions

Show notification

exports.FeedM:ShowNotification(Message, Interval, Type)

Show advanced notification

exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)


FeedM comes with popular positions already added, but should you need to define a custom position you can either edit the current ones or add a new one to the Config.Positions table in config.lua.

Positions below vertical center or keys containing the word bottom will cause messages to stack upward (old messages will be pushed upwards) and those above vertical center or keys containing the word top will cause messages to stack downwards (old messages will be pushed downwards).

Config.Positions = {
    bottomLeft  = { x = 0.085,  y = 0.70 },
    bottomRight = { x = 0.92,   y = 0.98 },
    topLeft     = { x = 0.085,  y = 0.02 },
    topRight    = { x = 0.92,   y = 0.02 }

NOTE: Positioning is relative to the bottom-center of the message box so setting x = 0.5 will align the center of the box to the horizontal center of the screen and setting y = 0.5 will position the bottom of the box with the vertical center of the screen.

Demo Image 1

Custom Positions

To add your own custom position, just add a new entry to the Config.Positions table in config.lua:

Config.Positions = {
    myCustomPosition = {
        x = 0.5,
        y = 0.98

Now tell FeedM to use your custom position:

Config.Position = "myCustomPosition"


Demo Image 2

ESX Users

You can override es_extended to use FeedM notifications by editing es_extended/client/functions.lua and adding the exports functions:

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)

ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification = function(title, subject, msg, icon, iconType)
    exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(title, subject, msg, icon)

To Do

  • Support queuing
  • Support duplicate notifications
  • Remove ESX dependency
  • Allow saving to Info > Notifications tab
  • Allow notification sound
  • Allow top-bottom stacking
  • Allow overflow of large messages into another notification box


Pull requests welcome.



FeedM - Customisable native feed notifications for FiveM

Copyright (C) 2020 Karl Saunders

This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And/Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option) any later version.

This program Is distributed In the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty Of MERCHANTABILITY Or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License For more details.

You should have received a copy Of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If Not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.