
Plugin for Mobius1/Selectable that enables fast column / row selection.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Selectable Table Plugin

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Plugin for Mobius1/Selectable that enables fast column and / or row selection / deselection.



bower install selectable-table-plugin --save


npm install selectable-table-plugin --save



Enable Plugin

Add the [data-selectable="column"] attribute to the required th cells you want to enable

Add the [data-selectable="row"] attribute to the required column cells to enable row selection

Add the [data-selectable="all"] to a cell to enable selection / deselection of all cells.

      <th data-selectable="all"></th> <!-- select all -->
      <th data-selectable="column">Heading 1 Title</th> <!-- select column -->
      <th data-selectable="column">Heading 2 Title</th> <!-- select column -->
      <th data-selectable="column">Heading 3 Title</th> <!-- select column -->
      <th data-selectable="column">Heading 4 Title</th> <!-- select column -->
      <td data-selectable="row">Row Title</td> <!-- select row -->
      <td>Cell 1</td>
      <td>Cell 2</td>
      <td>Cell 3</td>
      <td>Cell 4</td>

Make sure the plugin is included AFTER Selectable:

<script src="path/to/selectable.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/selectable.table.min.js"></script>


// instantiate Selectable
const selectable = new Selectable();

// enable the table plugin

That's it!

Copyright © 2017 Karl Saunders | BSD & MIT license