
🌐 Dive into my comprehensive Data Communications course materials, featuring experiments and slides designed for Urmia University students.

MIT LicenseMIT

Data Communications Course

🌐 Welcome to the Data Communications course repository! This repository hosts a comprehensive collection of my personally crafted experiments and course materials, designed for undergraduate students at Urmia University.

📑 Table of Contents

📂 Experiments

The Experiments directory includes:

📁 File Name
1. Full Duplex Connections in Wireless Communications
2. Error Detection and Correction Algorithms
3. Line Coding Project
4. Bandwidth in Wireless vs. Wired Networks

📂 Slides

The Slides directory includes:

📁 File Name
Data Communications and Networking Slides.rar

📝 License

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

I hope you find these materials and experiments helpful in your studies. Happy learning! 🎓