📚 Curated materials and assignments for enhancing English proficiency in specialized fields for Urmia University’s CE students.

MIT LicenseMIT

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Course

🌐 Welcome to the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course repository! This repository hosts a collection of personally developed experiments and assignments designed to enhance English proficiency in specialized fields for undergraduate Computer Engineering students at Urmia University.

📑 Table of Contents

🔬 Experiments

This directory contains a series of practical assignments and projects crafted to improve your understanding and usage of English in specific technical contexts. Each experiment is designed to provide hands-on experience and reinforce specialized vocabulary and concepts:

🧪 Experiment No. 📂 Experiment Name
1 AI Generated Subtitles
2 AI Generated Scripts
3 LDAP for SSO
4 DDoS Attack
5 Vault 7
6 Eternal Blue (WannaCry)
7 Android Platform Signed Apps
8 SSL Pinning

📝 License

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

I hope you find these experiments and assignments helpful in your studies. Happy learning! 🎓