- 5
Handle chirality
#13 opened by davidlmobley - 8
- 12
rdkit cannot kekulize mol to remvoe hydrogens
#26 opened by shuail - 16
- 13
Molecule RDkit sanitization
#4 opened by nividic - 23
Code splitting
#3 opened by nividic - 10
- 10
Installing lomap via mobleylab conda channel
#36 opened by ppxasjsm - 2
Confusion about example output
#41 opened by ppxasjsm - 1
- 0
Update documentation for output of mapping info; handling of different charges
#17 opened by davidlmobley - 12
- 0
Change the code to be compatible with networkx 2.0
#30 opened by shuail - 3
graph visualisation issues
#37 opened by ppxasjsm - 1
- 4
Issues with current perturbation map generation
#46 opened by ppxasjsm - 2
MCS test fails with most recent version of rdkit
#44 opened by ppxasjsm - 14
Enhacement questions
#39 opened by ppxasjsm - 6
Problem specifying the hub molecule
#42 opened by achantzis - 7
Colouring code for connecting compounds in FEP
#45 opened by achantzis - 2
- 5
Developper guide as a wiki page?
#50 opened by ppxasjsm - 1
#49 opened by ppxasjsm - 6
[WIP] Lomap Refactoring
#51 opened by nividic - 0
How to plot the graph?
#53 opened by kexul - 1
can't read reference graph pickle
#43 opened by ppxasjsm - 4
Update to not pin to specific PyQt4 versions
#12 opened by davidlmobley - 3
Add support to python 3
#1 opened by nividic - 9
Total charge comparison threshold
#19 opened by shuail - 1
Add a fast graphing option
#32 opened by shuail - 1
- 1
- 1
add the function to layout infomation (filename, score, conectivity) in txt files
#23 opened by shuail - 1
- 1
change the max_mol_size in graph layout
#20 opened by shuail - 1
add the radial option in graphing
#22 opened by shuail - 3
Re-license under MIT
#15 opened by davidlmobley - 10
MCS atom mappings and hydrogens
#9 opened by cgorgulla - 3
Allowing different charges in the network graph
#10 opened by cgorgulla - 5
Network figure can have bad resolution
#11 opened by cgorgulla - 2
Rule mncar does not make any sense
#5 opened by halx