
Tool to inspect and edit level files from the Bullfrog Productions game Syndicate Wars

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Tool written in PowerShell 5 to inspect and edit level files from the Bullfrog Productions game Syndicate Wars

Can open, edit, and save all version 15+ format level files from the game (one level doesn't work, this is due to a non-standard commands header, may need special-casing). Pre-alpha levels are not supported yet, but may be later. See here for level file versions: https://tcrf.net/Notes:Syndicate_Wars_(DOS)#Level_File_Versions

Most things in a level can already edited.

Full instructions will follow.


  • Click the left mouse button on the map to freeze the coordinates at current map position
  • Top Coordinates are for Things, bottom are for Objectives/Netscan
  • Clicking on a Thing jumps to that Thing's commands in the command window. Com > and < advances/moves back to the next Command in a chain, useful to understand complicated chains that jump around non-sequentially
  • Advanced Mode shows ALL variables - otherwise these are hidden. Hidden ones are either rarely used or not used at all.
  • If you added new Things to a level, make sure to use the "recalc parent/child" option on save, this recalculates all of these relations for you and is necessary for the level to work right (make sure you set unique ThingOffsets and UniqueID values)


  • Stop copying chunks from the original files on save and create whole level file synthetically (close)
  • Understand and implement the scratch/mounted guns area of files
  • Understand and implement the starting camera angle and related bytes at the end of a file
  • Come up with a better solution for vehicles, at the moment they are just treated as Person objects, which is wrong
  • Nicer handling of Items, they don't have any helpers when editing yet (e.g. item picker combobox)
  • ReWrite in an actually appropriate language
  • Support for file extensions other than .DAT on saving
  • Better map
  • Import of Map Things to prevent ThingOffset collisions and also make it easier to see what building a command refers to/easier to set a new one
  • Mods seem not quite right, some levels use odd values that don't make sense