
A Fashion Recommender System to recommend outfits to users (from their closet) based on their preferences, occassion they're planning to go to.

Primary LanguageCSS


I'd suggest you read the Outfit.ai PDF file for every single detail about this project.

This section assumes that the reader has downloaded the code/cloned this repository. This application requires Redis to serve as a message broker, and this demands the need for a Subsystem for Linux.

For windows users, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) must be enabled and installed. For macOS users, Lima (Linux-on-mac) must be enabled and installed.

Due to file size limitations by Github - I have hosted the 2 ML models on Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LziscsJhf4k8WyVr89xSbSCmNjAEuKnu?usp=sharing), you should download both of the models (fashion-classifier.pth and recommender-model.pth) and place it under outfitai/ml/models/ .

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root folder of the application.
  2. Create a virtual envrionment and run 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
  3. Change your current directory to /env/Scripts and run activate
  4. Change your current directory to the root folder of the application and run flask run
  5. Open Ubuntu and run sudo apt install redis-server
  6. In the same Ubuntu terminal, run sudo service redis-server start
  7. Open a second terminal and navigate to the root folder of the application.
  8. Change your current directory to /env/Scripts and run activate
  9. Change your current directory to the root folder of the application and run celery -A outfitai.celery worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency 1 -P solo
  10. Go to localhost:3000 in your browser