
Progor-Chat is a custom discord and SWGEMU client that links the two platforms together. Like Core3 is an SWG Server emulator, Progor-Chat acts as an SWG Client emulator. It sends the same packets the client would to login and select a character, then ignores all the packets the server sends about the world around the character, and only listens for packets related to Chat. When it receives chats in the channel specified, it forwards the content of those messages to the Discord client to post in it's specified channel. It also does the reverse - listens for discord messages and posts them in the in-game chat channel.

Since it's constantly in communication with the game server, it knows quickly when the server goes down. It will then post a message to a separate channel (can be the same or different) and mention a discord role - usually your staff / admin role - to quickly notify someone who can get the server back up.

Getting Started

First, create a discord bot. Go to, fill out the name of your bot/app, make it public, give it a profile photo if you want, and save it. You don't need OAuth2 or Redirect URIs. This will give you the name and token you need later.

Then, invite the bot to your server. Use this link: but replace the Client_ID with the Client ID from the bot you just created.

Download this repository to a folder. cd to that folder and run

npm install

to install the necessary dependencies (like the discord client).

Create a file named config.json with these values populated with your server, account, character, and chat room / channel specifics. You can copy config.example.json to get you started. For instance:

    "SWG": {
        "LoginAddress": "",
        "LoginPort": 44453,
        "Username": "SWGAccount",
        "Password": "SWGPassword",
        "Character": "Discord",
        "ChatRoom": "Genchat"
    "Discord": {
        "BotName": "RoC-Bot",
        "BotToken": "<>",
        "ServerName": "SWG Awesomeness",
        "ChatChannel": "general",
        "NotificationChannel": "admin-lounge",
        "NotificationMentionRole": "Staff"
Field Explanation
SWG.LoginAddress The Address of the SWGEmu login server. This is what you point your launcher at.
SWG.LoginPort The Port of the SWGEmu login server. This is usually 44453
SWG.Username The Username you type in the SWG splash screen.
SWG.Password The Password you type in the SWG splash screen.
SWG.Character The Character you choose on the character select screen. First name only. Case matters.
SWG.ChatRoom The name of the ChatRoom it should replicate to/from. If nested in the tree, use dots, i.e. Chat.General.Main
Discord.BotName The App Name of the Bot you created in
Discord.BotToken The App Bot User Token from the discordapp Bot page
Discord.ServerName The name of the discord server the Bot is monitoring
Discord.ChatChannel The name of the discord channel the Bot should replicate to/from
Discord.NotificationChannel The name of the discord channel that server up/down events should be posted to
Discord.NotificationMentionRole The name of the role that should be mentioned in up/down notifications

Finally run the bot with

node discordbot.js

Better yet, to handle any unexpected errors get forever

npm install -g forever

and run it with

forever start discordbot.js

Any issues? Add an Issue in github and I'll take a look as soon as I can.