
Web front-end for a political education conference.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CIMUN Front End Web Application

Hello! Welcome to the repository for the CIMUN web application. This is an open-source Next.js project developed and maintained by the volunteer-run CIMUN Department of Technology.

Chicago International Model United Nations (CIMUN) is an annual inter-scholastic (high school) Model UN conference in Chicago, IL. Our focus is to create realistic educational opportunities for young leaders in the scholastic MUN community.

This project is the first iteration of hopefully many projects from the CIMUN engineering team to provide future conference organizers with the tools necessary to organize Model UN conferences for the 21st Century.

Our FE stack uses Next.js, React, and TypeScript in order to create exciting front-ends for conference attendees, as well as Model UN-specific, CRM-like administrative tools for conference organizers and stakeholders.

The project here, as well as the projects on the model-un GitHub organization page are all open source, licensed under the GNU GPL v2 license.

This project uses Vercel for all our continuous deployment needs.

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Getting Started

First, run the development server:

Install yarn from the following link: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#mac-stable

bash yarn dev

If you get a versioning issue, such as: error cimun-web@0.1.0: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “^14.21.3". Got “16.8.0”

run the following two commands to fix the version where XX.XX.XX is the needed version number: npm install -g n sudo n XX.XX.XX

If next is not installed, install it with the following command: npm install next@10.2.1 react@17.0.2 react-dom@17.0.2

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.js.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!


We use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js for our continuous deployment needs.

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