
Spinal Motor Neuron: Na, K_A, and K_DR currents (Safronov, Vogel 1995)

Primary LanguageAMPL

NEURON mod files for the Na, K-A, and K-DR currents from the paper:
Safronov and Vogel, J.Physiol. 487:91-106 (1995).

Running the kinetics_na.hoc or kinetics_k.hoc simulation files 
will show the activation and inactivation steady-states, 
the time constants, and a family of curves generated modeling 
the same protocols used in the paper.

Markers show the experimental values estimated from Figs.4C 
(Na), 8C (KA), and 10C (KDR) of the paper.
Note that m is used rather than the more usual m^3 for activation
of the Na current. Na recovery from inactivation is not implemented.
Under unix systems:
to compile the mod files use the command 
and run the simulation hoc file with the command 
nrngui kinetics_na.hoc
nrngui kinetics_k.hoc

Under Windows using NEURON 5.1:
to compile the mod files use the "mknrndll" command.
A double click on the simulation files
kinetics_na.hoc or kinetics_k.hoc
will open the simulation windows.

Questions on the model parameters should be directed to the 

Questions on how to use this model with NEURON
should be directed to michele@pa.ibf.cnr.it