This model was published in E.E. Saftenku "A simplified model of the long-term plasticity in cerebellar mossy fiber-granule cell synapses", Neurophysiology/Neirofiziologiya, 2002, 34, N 2-3, P.216-219. Activation of cerebellar mossy fibers using either a theta burst stimulation mode (TBS; 100 Hz for 100 ms repeated 4 times at 250 ms intervals) or a single tetanus stimulation train (100 Hz for 1 s) results in long-term potentiation (LTP) of both AMPA and NMDA components of EPSC in granule cells, whereas low-frequency stimulation (2 Hz) causes long-term depression. These forms of plasticity require Ca2+ influx through NMDA receptor channels. When about two synapses were initially activated by TBS, the amplitude of evoked EPSPs exceeded the control value by 70+-16% in 1 min and then continued to slowly increase reaching in 7 min an increment of 84+-16%. We modified a simple model for LTP/LTD developed by Migliore and Lansky (1999) and combined it with the model of the electrical activity in the cerebellar granule cells developed by D'Angelo et al (Bursting and resonance in cerebellar granule cells by D’Angelo et al., 2001 in ModelDB)with addition of the description of AMPA and NMDA receptor kinetics. In contrast to the model of Migliore and Lansky, an activation of autocatalytic processes is controlled not by postsynaptic depolarization, but by Ca2+ influx through the NMDA receptor channels. The model completely reproduces experimental conditions and results of LTP manifestation in the presence of bicuculline and short-term depression of AMPA EPSPs during TBS published in Armano S. et al. "Long-term potentiation of intrinsic excitability at the mossy fiber-granule cell synapse of rat cerebellum", J. Neurosci., 2000, 20, P. 5208-5216. The observed nonlinearity in the development of long-term changes of EPSP in granule cells was modeled by a difference in the rate constants of two independent autocatalytic processes. The model can be easily modified for presynaptic expression of LTP by multiplying freqdel*(Np-Nd) by variable "u" instead of synaptic conductances. The transmitter concentration profile in the cleft was described by three exponential components to reproduce the profile of glutamate concentration from Rusakov (2001). Neurotransmitter concentration was made proportional to release probability of glutamate on the APs. Short-term plasticity was modeled with the use of phenomenological model of Tsodyks and Markram, but release probability in the model corresponds not to xu, but to x(u/U)*weight in their designations, where "weight" can be considered as the probability to release on the first AP. This allowed us to reproduce slower decrease of release probability during repetitive stimulation, which occurs presumably due to several vesicles in the ready-to-release pool under condition of one-vesicle constraint. Keywords: Cerebellar granule cells, Long-term plasticity. Simulations. Begin from start.hoc and reproduce the maintenance of LTP and LTD as in Fig.1 from our paper. All parameters of the model can be changed in the respective boxes.