
R package EloML: Elo rating system for machine learning models

Primary LanguageR

Elo rating system for Machine Learning models

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The EloML package provides Elo rating system for machine learning models. Elo Predictive Power (EPP) score helps to assess model performance based Elo ranking system.

Find more in the EPP: interpretable score of model predictive power arxiv paper.


Installation time should not exceed 1 minute.

# Install the the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")


The following example takes less than 20 seconds to complete.

Load EloML library and benchmark data. In the example we use the data frame auc_data from the EloML package. The data used for EPP calculations should be a data frame, where first 3 columns correspond to: Player (model), Round (split), Score (auc).



#        model split       auc
# 1 catboost_1     1 0.9824724
# 2 catboost_1     2 0.9820267
# 3 catboost_1     3 0.9801000
# 4 catboost_1     4 0.9848932
# 5 catboost_1     5 0.9845456
# 6 catboost_1     6 0.9858062

To calculate EPP use calculate_epp function. For more options see help of the function ?calculate_epp.


# Head of Players EPP: 
#       player        epp
# 1 catboost_1  -0.793627
# 2 catboost_2   2.915507
# 3 catboost_3  -1.990134
# 4      gbm_1 -20.381584
# 5     gbm_10   1.664303
# 6     gbm_11   2.714073
# Type of estimation:  glmnet