
Work Package 6 - ModelWriter Architecture, Integration and Evaluation (Obeo)

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Stories in Ready Work Package 6

Work Package 6 - ModelWriter Architecture, Integration and Evaluation (Obeo)

Product Backlog of WP6

The product backlog itself is implemented in the issue tracker of this repository


The primary objective of this WP is to assemble and evaluate the successive yearly versions of the integrated ModelWriter. This objective is broken down into the following sub-objectives:

  • Define the overall architecture of ModelWriter.
  • Provide a unified Graphical User Interface (for both Model and Writer parts).
  • Incrementally assemble each major release of the product (starting with a prototype and ending with a final product).
  • Evaluate each major release against the WP1’s Industrial Use Cases and requirements that were selected as goals for the release.

There will be 1 major release a year, although partners will be invited to provide frequently minor releases of their work, to allow a continuous integration and testing of the software and minimize the technical risk.

Expected Results

  • 3 major releases of ModelWriter (1 per year).
  • Performance analysis and evaluation reports, incl. recommendations for next release.