
A simple Java Client for the JIRA Rest-API.

Primary LanguageJava


A simple JAVA Client to access the JIRA© REST-API.

This is a fork with major changes for our custom usage

Forked from https://github.com/micromata/JiraRestClient. We made some substantial changes to the original code. Some highlights:

  • added Worklog calls
  • added IntelliJ setup
  • moved from maven to gradle
  • various optimisations en code refinements
  • some formatting adjustments
  • move to java 16


Everything you need is a ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) for Thread-Pooling.

  ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);
  ProxyHost proxy = new ProxyHost("proxy", 3128);
  JiraRestClient jiraRestClient = new JiraRestClient(executorService);
  jiraRestClient.connect(uri, USERNAME, PASSWORD);

After you create the JiraRestClient and connecting to your JIRA©, you can get the specific client from the JiraRestClient.

  • IssueClient - everything to issues. Include also Attachments, Transitions, Comments and Worklog
  • ProjectClient - everything to projects. Include also Components and Versions
  • UserClient - everything to users.
  • SearchClient - for jql search
  • SystemClient - every global Info form the Jira. You can get Status, Priority, IssueTypes Informations.


For more Information about usage and some Code Snippets look into the Unit-Tests inside the project.