
Primary LanguagePHP

Get started

  1. Clone this project and run docker-compose up -d to initialize the container. Note: hammer database will be created after this setup.
  2. After successful building containers you should see 4 containers running. screen shot 2018-08-14 at 4 37 06 pm
  3. Test you connection to mysql via sequal pro by using creds given in .env file. Note: If you are not able to login then ssh into mysql container and run this command mysql -u root < /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/createdb.sql now you should be able to login by default username.
  4. Login to php container and run composer install && php artisan migrate --seed command. This will install dependencies and will create necessary tables and seed them with initial data such as services and cities.
  5. Now you are ready to test api. Please visit https://cvee.gitbook.io/my-hammer/ to get api documentation.


  1. You can check routes api.php file inside routes folder.
  2. Initial database schema insider 2018_08_13_173327_create_jobs_setup file in database/migrations folder
  3. Initial database table data in DatabaseSeeder class in database/seeds folder.
  4. JobController in app/Http/Controllers.
  5. JobValidation logic in app/Http/Requests/ValidateJobRequest.php file.
  6. I would have wrote test cases for this but found it will be too overwhelming.
  7. If you are facing issue with docker then you can use https://box.scotch.io/ vagrant file present in the directory. Then you need to manual setup database connection and overwrite in .env file