
A Bitbucket Server plugin that notifies Jenkins when source code changes.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Bitbucket Server plugin that notifies Jenkins when source code changes.



  • Bitbucket Server 5.0 or later
  • Jenkins certificate(s) must be imported into the Bitbucket JVM trust store


  • Jenkins 2
  • Git Plugin / Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin


Jenkins provides the ability to poll Bitbucket for changes. This leads to inefficiencies when the build must occur quickly after a repository change. A better approach is for Bitbucket to send notifications to Jenkins as repository changes occur.

There are other plugins that provide similar functionality. However, this plugin is different in the following ways:

  • Geared towards larger corporate environments that have stricter policies and controls
    • limit the URLs that Bitbucket can communicate with
    • ensure the use of canonical clone URLs that may differ from the configured Bitbucket Root URL
  • Focus on simple and correct configuration
    • minimize user configuration/setup
    • support infrastructure automation through a configuration API and/or bitbucket.properties
  • Support multiple Jenkins notification schemes


Jenkins URL Whitelist

Administrators must maintain a list of known and approved Jenkins instances. Users may configure sending notifications to only one of these instances.

Standardized Clone URLs

Administrators can maintain a template for clone URLs across all repositories. Some mechanisms to notify Jenkins require knowledge of the EXACT clone URL configured within Jenkins. Because there may be different ways to access a repository, it can be helpful to standardize on a URL scheme.


Provides an API to configure plugin and repository data. This can especially be useful for establishing seed data during infrastructure automation.

Notification Mechanics

The Notify Jenkins plugin supports the following Jenkins plugins:

The Jenkins Git plugin exposes an endpoint allowing unauthenticated requests to https://jenkins/git/notifyCommit?url=<Clone URL of the Git repository>. Upon receiving a request, Jenkins will trigger polling on any job configured with a Git clone URL matching the URL supplied in the request query string. If Jenkins polling subsequently finds changes, the job(s) will begin processing.

Before sending the request to Jenkins, the Notify Jenkins plugin will determine the clone URL by substituting the configured template URL with the Project Key and Repo Slug of the repository which sourced the event. For example:

Given this template:


and this project/repo:

Project Key -> MY_PROJECT
Repo Slug -> MY_REPO

Then the clone URL used in the notification will be:


The Bitbucket Branch Source plugin exposes an endpoint allowing unauthenticated requests to https://jenkins/bitbucket-scmsource-hook/notify. The request body will contain details pertaining to the PR and Ref that was changed. The Bitbucket Branch Source plugin will use these details to determine which branches/pull requests need building.


Admin Setup

Once installed, the Bitbucket administrator must configure one or more Jenkins instances and a clone URL template. This can be done by navigating to Administration and selecting Notify Jenkins from the Settings menu. The configured instances will then be available for selection by a repository administrator when configuring a repository.

Repository Setup

To enable for a repository:

  1. Navigate to Repository Settings -> Notify Jenkins
  2. Check the Enabled checkbox
  3. Select the Jenkins Instance to notify
  4. Select the target Jenkins plugin (Git or Bitbucket Branch Source)
  5. Click Save


This plugin extends the Bitbucket API by exposing the following resources:

Plugin Configuration

Plugin Configuration data that applies to the entire installation.

Get Configuration

Returns the configuration data.


Any authenticated user can request and view response.

GET https://mybitbucket/rest/notify-jenkins/1.0/config
    "repoUrlPattern": "https://mybitbucket/scm/{{PROJECT_KEY}}/{{REPO_SLUG}}.git",
    "instances": [
            "code": "PROD",
            "name": "Production",
            "url": "https://prod.myjenkins/jenkins"
            "code": "TEST",
            "name": "Test",
            "url": "https://test.myjenkins/jenkins"

Advanced Configuration

In addition to the API and user interface, this plugin allows configuration via bitbucket.properties. An example configuration is below:




When configuring using this method, any configuration values set from the API or user interface will be overwritten with values from bitbucket.properies each time Bitbucket restarts or the Notify Jenkins plugin restarts.


User must be a system administrator.

PUT https://mybitbucket/rest/notify-jenkins/1.0/config
    "repoUrlPattern": "https://mybitbucket/scm/{{PROJECT_KEY}}/{{REPO_SLUG}}.git",
    "instances": [
            "code": "PROD",
            "name": "Production",
            "url": "https://prod.myjenkins/jenkins"
            "code": "TEST",
            "name": "Test",
            "url": "https://test.myjenkins/jenkins"

Returns HTTP 204 (No Content) on success.

Repository Configuration

Repository Configuration data that determines how to process notifications for the repository.

Get Repository Configuration

Get repository configuration data.


User must be a repository administrator.

GET https://mybitbucket/rest/notify-jenkins/1.0/MY_PROJECT/MY_REPO/config
    "active": true,
    "jenkinsInstance": "PROD",
    "jenkinsTargetPlugin": "GIT"

Save Repository Configuration

Save repository configuration data.


User must be a repository administrator.

PUT https://mybitbucket/rest/notify-jenkins/1.0/MY_PROJECT/MY_REPO/config
    "active": true,
    "jenkinsInstance": "PROD",
    "jenkinsTargetPlugin": true

Returns HTTP 204 (No Content) on success.


  • Possible issue with Bitbucket Branch Source when source and target Branches are named the same.


This plugin was inspired by the following projects:

File Configuration



  • Java 8
  • Maven 3
  • Atlassian SDK


Install the Atlassian SDK


mvn package


The following command uses Atlassian SDK on a Windows OS to deploy to an existing Bitbucket Server instance.

c:\Applications\Atlassian\atlassian-plugin-sdk-6.2.14\bin\atlas-install-plugin.bat --server myserver --http-port 8990 --username myuser --password mypassword --plugin-key com.mastercard.scm.notifyjenkins.bitbucket-notify-jenkins --context-path