
better transparent proxy module (based clash)

Primary LanguageShell


中文 | English

akashaProxy is a Magisk/KernelSU module derived from mihomoclashMeta

The name comes from the AkashaSystem of clashMeta documentation modified

99% of the problems in this module basically come from the clash configuration error or the plug-in configuration error

Please make good use of clash logs and search engines

Module path:

Work path: /data/clash/

clash.config : Module start config

clash.yaml : Clash config(global configuration and dns configuration)

config.yaml : Clash config(other)

packages.list : proxy black/white list packages list

Admin panel: (default)

├── adguard // AdGuardHome bin dir
│   ├── AdGuardHome
├── clashkernel // Kernel bin dir
│   ├── clashMeta 
├── scripts // Module startup script
│   ├── clash.inotify
│   ├── clash.iptables
│   ├── clash.service
│   └── clash.tool
├── tools
│   ├── DeleteCache.sh // Clear cache of Google apps and other apps
│   ├── DownloadAdGuardHome.sh // Download and install the AdGuardHome plugin
│   ├── reload.sh // reload config file
│   ├── start.sh // Start module
│   └── stop.sh // Stop module
├── yacd
│   ├── // yacd-Meta Panel source
├── run
│   ├── // Module running dir
├── bin
│   ├── // Module internal tool dir
├── GeoSite.dat
├── GeoIP.dat
├── clash.config
├── clash.yaml
├── config.yaml
└── packages.list

clashMeta Tutorial: https://wiki.metacubex.one https://clash-meta.wiki

start and stop


/data/clash/script/clash.service -s && /data/clash/script/clash.iptables -s


/data/clash/script/clash.service -k && /data/clash/script/clash.iptables -k

You can also use dashboard


run make Compile and package the module


The armeabi-v7a architecture and arm64-v8a architecture are built by default under the android platform.


Telegram Github Action(Need to decompress)