
Mastermind game implemented in Aiken


This is a Aiken validator that implements the Mastermind game. The aim of this project is to illustrate the use of zero-knowledge proofs, and it is part of our F10 Catalyst proposal.

Mastermind is an ideal application for zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic protocol enabling zero-knowledge proofs. This two-player game features a codemaster, who chooses a sequence of colored pegs, and a codebreaker, who aims to guess this sequence within a set number of attempts. zk-SNARKs can verify the accuracy of the codebreaker's guesses without disclosing the actual sequence, thereby preserving the secret code and integrity simultaneously throughout the game.


There are two versions of the validator to suit different transaction construction. Each one reside in different branches of the repository:

  • Main: In the main branch resides the inlined datum version.
  • feature/datum-hash: In this branch resides the datum-hashed version.


To compile the validator use the following command:

aiken build

This will create a blueprint of the validator where the compiled code can be accessed and interfaces of the data. Also the blueprint can be converted into a .plutus format with the following command.

aiken blueprint convert

Execute test

Several test have been made to check the game logic. One can execute a simulation of a full game running:

aiken check -t silent -m tests/full_game

The game also allows winning by default, that is when an user doesn't respond to the game within a 20minutes range. This is tested with:

aiken check -t silent -m tests/win_by_default

Finally many attacks have been anticipated and tested. To check this run:

aiken check -t silent -m tests/attacks

Appendix: Dapp repositories

The relevant repositories of the mastermind Dapp are as follows:

  1. zk-mastermind-webdapp: Frontend application of the Mastermind Dapp.
  2. zk-mastermind-backend: Backend application of the Mastermind Dapp.
  3. zk-mastermind-backend-onchain: Hada mint contrat of the Mastermind Dapp.
  4. zk-mastermind-docker: Docker container with the Kupo, Hydra and Cardano node components of the Dapp.
  5. zk-mastermind-circom: Circom circuits of the mastermind Dapp.
  6. zk-mastermind-plutus: PlutusTx validator that implements the logic of the game.
  7. zk-mastermind-aiken: Aiken validator that implements the logic of the game.