
A repository for the Leela VS the World project for On-Chain machine learning

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A repository for the Leela VS the World project for On-Chain machine learning


  • contracts: Smart contracts to run the chess game and handle on-chain voting/betting
  • frontend: Website to present chess game and allow interaction with the smart contract
  • ml_model: Machine learning model which plays chess, and scripts to train/test model.
  • zk_prover: Halo2 based zk prover for leela "# Leela Vs World Chess Game Hardhat Project

This project implements a chess game for Leela Vs World

🛠️ Set Up

To install all the necessary packages, run the following command:

yarn install

[Environment Variables]
Copy .env.example file and create a .env file with the variables filled in

🧪 Contract Interactions


npx hardhat compile

Note if you get a configure additional compiler versions in your hardhat config error, add compiler versions to hardhat.config


npx hardhat deploy

The --tags argument deploys contract(s) with the given tag(s).
For example, the following command would deploy all contracts with the tag "testContract"

npx hardhat deploy --tags testContract

[Running Node Locally]

npx hardhat node

[Running Scripts]

npx hardhat run scripts/_PATH_TO_SCRIPT_

For example, the following command will run the script testScript.ts in the scripts/ folder

npx hardhat run scripts/testScript.ts


npx hardhat test

The --grep argument matches any test that has the keywords specified.
For example, the following command would run all tests that have the phrase "chess game"

npx hardhat test --grep "chess game"

Global Optional Arguments

--network: Use network to explicitly state the network, default is hardhat/localhost
For example the following command would run the script testScript on Goerli

npx hardhat run scripts/testScript.ts --network goerli

🚀 TestContract Example

npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat deploy
npx hardhat run scripts/testScript.ts
npx hardhat test
