This preset will help you make element-plus and unocss work together. Based on unocss-preset-theme.
npm i -D unocss-preset-element-plus
We use uno.config.ts
as an example below.
import { defineConfig, presetUno } from 'unocss';
import { presetElementPlus } from 'unocss-preset-element-plus';
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
// place after other presets, since it overrides some values by default
presetElementPlus({ ... }),
We recommend you to use tailwind compat reset if you are facing style conflicts.
You can a options object to the preset.
import { defineConfig, presetUno } from 'unocss';
import { presetElementPlus } from 'unocss-preset-element-plus';
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
// top-level options
prefix: '--un-preset-el',
preferCssVariables: true,
namespace: 'el',
// theme options
primary: '#409eff',
light: {
primary: '#409eff',
dark: {
primary: '#409eff',
Top-level Option
This option is extended from unocss-preset-theme. Defaults to --un-preset-el
Top-level Option
This option is extended from unocss-preset-theme and use its default value.
You may need to update this field when you are developing with uni-app
, taro
, etc.
Top-level Option
Prefer existed css variables or not. Defaults to true
If true, use element-plus
css variables and you have to follow element-plus
design standards.
If false, use generated variables and you can use more variables away from element-plus
design standards.
You may need to set this field to false
when you are developing with uni-app
, taro
, etc.
Top-level Option
The namespace used to find css variables. Used when preferCssVariables is true. Defaults to el
Top-level Option
Breakpoints. Defaults to { xs: '0px', sm: '768px', md: '992px', lg: '1200px', xl: '1920px', '2xl': '2560px', xxl: '2560px' }
Base primary color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to #409eff
Base success color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to #67c23a
Base warning color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to #e6a23c
Base error color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to #f56c6c
Base danger color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to #f56c6c
Base info color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to #909399
Used to generate theme light colors. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default white
for light theme, #141414
for dark theme.
Used to generate theme dark colors. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default black
for light theme, white
for dark theme.
Primary text color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #303133
for light theme, #e5eaf3
for dark theme.
Regular text color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #606266
for light theme, #cfd3dc
for dark theme.
Secondary text color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #909399
for light theme, #a3a6ad
for dark theme.
Placeholder text color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #a8abb2
for light theme, #8d9095
for dark theme.
Disabled text color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #c0c4cc
for light theme, #6c6e72
for dark theme.
Base border color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #dcdfe6
for light theme, #4c4d4f
for dark theme.
Light border color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #e4e7ed
for light theme, #414243
for dark theme.
Lighter border color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #ebeef5
for light theme, #363637
for dark theme.
Extra light border color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #f2f6fc
for light theme, #2b2b2c
for dark theme.
Dark border color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #d4d7de
for light theme, #58585b
for dark theme.
Darker border color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #cdd0d6
for light theme, #636466
for dark theme.
Base fill color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #f0f2f5
for light theme, #303030
for dark theme.
light fill color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #f5f7fa
for light theme, #262727
for dark theme.
Lighter fill color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #fafafa
for light theme, #1d1d1d
for dark theme.
Extra light fill color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #fafcff
for light theme, #191919
for dark theme.
Blank fill color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #ffffff
for light theme, transparent
for dark theme.
Dark fill color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #ebedf0
for light theme, #39393a
for dark theme.
Darker fill color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #e6e8eb
for light theme, #424243
for dark theme.
Page background color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #f2f3f5
for light theme, #0a0a0a
for dark theme.
Base background color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #ffffff
for light theme, #141414
for dark theme.
Overlay background color. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default #ffffff
for light theme, #1d1e1f
for dark theme.
Should override shadow or not. Defaults to false
If false, only generate .shadow-base
If true, also override .shadow-light
, .shadow-lighter
and .shadow-dark
, override .shadow-xs
with .shadow-lighter
, override .shadow-sm
with .shadow-light
, override .shadow-md
with .shadow-base
, and override .shadow-lg
with .shadow-dark
You can pass an array specifying what you want to override, e.g. ['light', 'lighter', 'dark', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg']
for overriding all.
Base box shadow. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default 0px 12px 32px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.04), 0px 8px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.08)
for light theme, 0px 12px 32px rgba(0,0,0,.36), 0px 8px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.72)
for dark theme.
Light box shadow. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.12)
for light theme, 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.72)
for dark theme.
Lighter box shadow. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default 0px 0px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.12)
for light theme, 0px 0px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.72)
for dark theme.
Dark box shadow. Used when preferCssVariables
is false.
By default 0px 16px 48px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, .08), 0px 12px 32px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12), 0px 8px 16px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .16)
for light theme, 0px 16px 48px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, .72), 0px 12px 32px #000000, 0px 8px 16px -8px #000000
for dark theme.
Should override font size or not. Defaults to false
If false, only generate .text-extra-large
, .text-large
, .text-medium
, .text-basis
, .text-small
and .text-extra-small
If true, also override .text-xl
with .text-extra-large
, override .text-lg
with .text-large
, override .text-md
with .text-medium
, override .text-base
with .text-basis
, override .text-sm
with .text-small
, and override .text-xs
with .text-extra-small
You can pass an array specifying what you want to override, e.g. ['xl', 'lg', 'md', 'base', 'sm', 'xs']
for overriding all.
Extra large font size. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to 20px
Large font size. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to 18px
Medium font size. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to 16px
Basis font size. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to 14px
Small font size. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to 13px
Extra small font size. Used when preferCssVariables
is false. Defaults to 12px