
This project is for my Computer Graphics class at KMITL. The goal of this project is to create a 3D scene using OpenGL and C++.

  • Use vertices to create a 800 x 600 image
  • Work in pairs
  • Draw image in a theme of “MY PRECIOUS MOMENT”
  • Use Modern OpenGL with lighting model. You can use the external model and textures.


  • Load and view 3D models in the OBJ format
  • Move the camera around the scene using keyboard and mouse
  • Incremental model loading to avoid freezing
  • Basic lighting


  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • GLFW
  • GLEW
  • GLM
  • stb_image

Building the Project

  1. Ensure you have a C++ compiler and all the dependencies installed.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Build the project using your preferred C++ compiler or IDE.


Run the compiled executable to start the program. The camera can be moved using the W, A, S, D keys and the mouse.


Used Models & Textures

Demo Video
