
✨ Make Icarus theme cute!!!

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✨ Make Icarus theme cute!!!

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide




Live Example

New features

  • Optimizing page title and subtitle display.
  • You can configure the use of rounded avatar.
  • You can configuration navigation bar to be fixed at the top.
  • The profile panel can be configured with bio.
  • External resources are loaded using CDN.
  • Added the amount of reading of the statistical articles of the busuanzi statistics plugin.
  • Added hitokoto plugin, Show a lovely word.
  • Added chuncai plugin, A lovely Page Wizard, is responsible for selling moe.
  • Added APlayer plugin, A beautiful HTML5 music player.
  • Added Do-you-like-me plugin, A very creative point of praise plugin.
  • Added the NProgress plugin to display the page load status.
  • The article page randomly adds a lovely background image.
  • Add interesting title changes, Creative comes from https://www.anotherhome.net
  • Update a very cute mouse style.
  • Added some effect.
  • Optimize the style of the reference block.
  • The mobile side hides the search input box.
  • Optimize some of the details.


Clone this project into your hexo blog theme directory:

git clone git@github.com:MoeFE/Hexo-Theme-MoeIcarus.git </path/to/themes/MoeIcarus>

Edit the site _config.yml file:

theme: MoeIcarus

Merge the _source folder in the theme and the _source folder in the root directory


Fillet avatar

eidt source/css/_variables.styl

use-radius-avatar = true

Fixed navigation

eidt source/css/_variables.styl

use-fixed-nav = true

Add bio

Edit the theme _config.yml file:

    bio: I maybe bad,but i feel good.

Enable busuanzi statistics plugin

Edit the theme _config.yml file:

  busuanzi_analytics: true # optionis true, false

Enable or Disable chuncai plugin

Edit the theme _config.yml file:

  chuncai: true # optionis true, false

Enable or Disable APlayer plugin

Edit the theme _config.yml file:

    enable: true # optionis true, false
    options: { # see doc: https://aplayer.js.org/docs/#/?id=options
      autoplay: true,
      theme: '#ffdfe6',
      music: {
        title: '静かな夜に、君と話そう',
        author: '坂本昌一郎',
        pic: '//avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/29977599?v=4&s=200',
        url: '//quq.cat/resources/music/坂本昌一郎 - 静かな夜に、君と話そう.mp3'

Enable or Disable Do-you-like-me plugin

Edit the theme _config.yml file:

  do_you_like_me: true # optionis true, false



  • Added apple touch icon


  • Fixed some bug
  • Update a very cute mouse style


  • Added some effect
  • Added the chuncai plugin, A lovely Page Wizard, is responsible for selling moe
  • Added the NProgress plugin to display the page load status
  • Added the APlayer plugin, A beautiful HTML5 music player
  • Added the Do-you-like-me plugin, A very creative point of praise plugin
  • Add interesting title changes, Creative comes from https://www.anotherhome.net
  • The article page randomly adds a lovely background image


  • Added the amount of reading of the statistical articles of the busuanzi statistics plugin
  • Added hitokoto plugin, Show a lovely word


  • External resources are loaded using CDN
  • Optimize style details
  • Added Profile Bio configuration support
  • Added fixed navigation configuration support
  • Added rounded avatar configuration support


  • Optimizing page title and subtitle display
  • Added ESLint and fix code
  • Beautify the code


  • Give a star if you like , fork or just clone to use , and also you can help me fix bugs and add new feature :)
  • If you have any problem or requirement , just open an issue here and i will help you.
  • Thanks to @ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus and @Hexo.