
xml2json is a Java librairie allowing to transform any XML string to a JSON format. The datatype interpretation may be customized via a property file : thus, a known xpath may be forced to a Date type, respecting a given format, a numeric value, an array, a string, ... ;

Primary LanguageJava


xml2json is a Java library allowing to transform any XML string to a JSON format. The datatype interpretation may be customized via a property file : thus, a known xpath may be forced to a Date type, respecting a given format, a numeric value, an array, a string, ... This project is based on the json.org library (https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-java)


This project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License


Include the jar and use the XmlToJsonService class to convert your flow. The properties file included in the "ConfigurationMapEnumTypes" constructor sets the mapping. It relies on the folowing format :


where : 
    - xpath is an xml xpath (dot as field separator)
    - datatype takes its value in 
        . number
        . date|yyyy-MM-dd (in this case, the date format is given before the pipe caracter)
        . boolean
        . array

Example : 

bloc_date.blocid.attr_date=date|yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
package com.pagesjaunes.json;

import com.pagesjaunes.json.JSONException;
import com.pagesjaunes.json.config.ConfigurationMapEnumTypes;
import com.pagesjaunes.json.service.XmlToJsonService;

public class MyConvertClass {
    private ConfigurationMapEnumTypes conf;
    private XmlToJsonService stXmlToJson;

    public MyConvertClass() {
        this.conf = new ConfigurationMapEnumTypes("xml2json-datatype-mapping.properties");
        this.stXmlToJson = new XmlToJsonService(conf.getProperties());

    public String doMyConvertion() throws JSONException {
        String xml = "<bloc>"
                + "<blocid>00413695C0001</blocid>"
                + "<test_liste>test liste 1</test_liste>"
                + "<test_liste>test liste 2</test_liste>"
                + "</bloc>";

        return stXmlToJson.toJSONObject(xml).toString());

Change History


  • Updated XmlToJsonService.doExpandArrays() behavior to include a single-element array at the root. This results in a more consistent structure.


  • Fixed bug in XmlToJsonService.doExpandArrays() that didn't apply arrays to elements without nested content or elements


  • Prefixed all attributes with "@" to prevent collisions with elements
  • Added XmlToJsonService.doExpandArrays() to support more consistent json output
  • Made json ordering consistent with XML (at least at first serialization)
  • Improved exception handling (released swalled exceptions)
  • Fixed incosistent unit test results


  • Original release