MobyDQ is a tool for data engineering teams to automate data quality checks on their data pipeline, capture data quality issues and trigger alerts in case of anomaly, regardless of the data sources they use.
This tool has been inspired by an internal project developed at Ubisoft Entertainment in order to measure and improve the data quality of its Enterprise Data Platform. However, this open source version has been reworked to improve its design, simplify it and remove technical dependencies with commercial software.
Getting Started
Skip the bla bla and run your data quality indicators by following the Getting Started page. The complete documentation is also available on Github Pages:
Install Docker
This tool has been fully containerized with Docker to ensure easy deployment and portability. To add the Docker repository to your Linux machine, execute the following commands in a terminal window.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
Install Docker Community Edition.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce
Add your user to the docker group to setup its permissions. Make sure to restart your machine after executing this command.
$ sudo usermod -a -G docker <username>
Install Docker Compose
Execute the following command in a terminal window.
$ sudo apt install docker-compose
Setup Your Instance
Create Configuration Files
Based on the template below, create a text file named .env
at the root of the project. This file is used by Docker Compose to load configuration parameters into environment variables. This is typically used to manage file paths, logins, passwords, etc. Make sure to update the postgres
user password for both POSTGRES_PASSWORD
# DB
Create Docker Network
This custom network is used to connect the different containers between each others. It is used in particular to connect the ephemeral containers ran when executing batches of indicators.
## Create Docker Volume
Due to Docker compatibility issues on Windows machines, we recommend to manually create a Docker volume instead of directly mounting external folders in `docker-compose.yml`. This volume will be used to persist the data stored in the PostgreSQL database. Execute the following command.
## Build Docker Images
Go to the project root and execute the following command in your terminal window.
$ cd mobydq
$ docker-compose build --no-cache
Run Docker Containers
To start all the Docker containers as deamons, go to the project root and execute the following command in your terminal window.
$ cd mobydq
$ docker-compose up -d db graphql api app
Individual components can be accessed at the following addresses:
- Web application: http://localhost GraphiQL Documentation: http://localhost:5433/graphiql
- PostgreSQL database host:, port: 5432
Note access to GraphiQL and the PostgreSQL database is restricted by default to avoid intrusions. In order to access these addresses directly, you must run them with the following command to open their ports:
$ cd mobydq
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d db graphql
Run Test Cases
To execute all test cases, execute following command from the project repository:
to be documented
Docker Images
The containers run by docker-compose
have dependencies with the following Docker images:
- postgres (tag: 10.4-alpine)
- graphile/postgraphile (tag: latest)
- python (tag: 3.6.6-alpine3.8)
- python (tag: 3.6.6-slim-stretch)
Python Packages
docker (3.5.0)
- flask (1.0.2)
- flask_restplus (0.11.0)
- requests (2.19.1)
jinja2 (2.10.0)