
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mess - Moerills enhancing super-suit(e)

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub GitHub Releases

This module is deprecated and won't be developed or maintained anymore. (Maybe, just maybe i'll push an update to it to either remove the big features alltogether or push a small css fix. But no promises and don't expect anything here!) If you liked the rolling check out Mars 5e.
If you liked the animated templates, check out Token Magic FX.

This module is a mess!
Just kidding! This module does not serve a more specific purpose, like most of my other modules, but is more of a growing collection of stuff, that:

  • me or my player want for my game,
  • quality of life improvements,
  • things which i just found kinda interesting to play around with, but not worth their own module,
  • proof of concepts.

Settings allow to granularly dis-/enable features to your liking. Important: If you change the settings you need to refresh the page for all connected clients for the changes to take effect! (This may change in a future update, but currently it only works this way. Shouldn't be to bad, since you'd enable most features once and not change them mid session.)

Current Feature List

Important Information!

FVTT Version compatibility

My focus is the FVTTs stable branch. I will neither promise nor prioritise updates for FVTTs beta or alpha branches! Feel free to report a bug so i know whats coming, but don't expect a fix before a stable FVTT update.

Module compatiblity

This module is not designed to be compatible with most other modules, so incompatibilities may arise if some features are enabled. And i do not really care about compatibility with other modules for this Mess. (Also there are to many to keep track of now. Some parts of this mess are deep or very specific changes, that are to much work to make work with everything.)
So be warned and carefully test the features without other modules enabled before submitting a bug report here!

Bug Reporting

Go to the GitHub's issue board and check if the Bug is already reported. If not first test with all other modules disabled! If the bug persists create a new issue, with at least the following information:

  1. Module version
  2. FVTT version
  3. Browser and OS used. Or if the app itself is used.
  4. Bug description
    • What happened?
    • What should've happened?
    • Console errors? (F12 or F11 in most browsers)
  5. Workflow to recreate the bug
  6. Helpful videos or screenshots if possible
  7. Either activate notifications, stay active or post your discord handle so i can get back to you for further questions

I will only take a quick glance at half hearted bug reports or Discord mentions! Don't expect me to react there!


Special thanks to:

  • GitHub User @bsleys for his continued support on helping to enhance this module with features!
  • Discord User @BrotherSharp for the japanese translation!
  • Github User @rinnocento for the portuguese translation!
  • @NickEast for his foundry project creator which i'm using in a modified version for my building and publishing workflow.

This module would not be possible without the great work from Atropos on FoundryVTT and the DnD5e System for FoundryVTT! Part of the code (especially the code for the rolls) is heavily based on the DnD5es code, which is licensed under GNU GPLv3.

The templates used in the videos are from Pierluigi Riminis Perfect Spell Pack 2 animated.

Support the development

I'm doing this project mostly alone (with partial help of some wonderful people mentioned above) in my spare time and for free.
If you want to encourage me to keep doing this, i am happy about all kind of tokens of appreciation. (Like some nice words, recommending this project or even a small donation over at my PayPal).


Mess is licensed under the LGPL v3.

This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development.

Universal Features

Template Changes

Scaling and animated template textures

video templates
Tired of FVTTs tiling for template textures? Then this feature is perfect for you! When this feature is enabled template textures are scaled up and rotated to match the template. This also allows for the usage of video files as template textures! Nice! (For all textures the same rules as for all FVTT image and video files do apply) This also automatically activates Automatic Ability template texture when you're using the DnD5e system.

Hide grid highlight and border for textured templates

hide highlight
When the template borders and grid highlights stand in the way of a fully immersive experience, use this feature to just hide them! This only hides borders and highlights for all textured templates. If you want to make sure which grid squares are covered by the templates, just hover over it and the highlight and border will get displayed!

Auto targetting on template move

Using this feature you automatically target each token inside a template you move around!
Activating this feature also activates Automatic template targeting for DnD5e.


Momentum based preview snapping

preview snapping When moving placeables, like tiles or tokens, around you never know exactly where they end up, as long as grid snapping is enabled. This feature adds momentum based preview placement, to counter this issue!

"Uhm... Huh? I don't get it!"

Let me explain: As long as you drag the placeable quickly around, the preview won't snap, but when you slow down the preview starts snapping to grid. (As long as you don't press the shiftKey to disable snapping).

"Why so complicated? Why not just always snap?"

To make dragging around more beautiful! Letting the placeable always snap, makes it kinda jumpy when dragging around, resulting in a less smooth and visually less appealing experience. Using the past momentum of the mouse, the algorithm notices when you slow down to precisely place a placeable, snapping it at the position it will really end up.
Imporant: This feature still needs a bit fine tuning, adjusting the parameters, ... Feedback for this is valuable! You can provide feedback here

Drag and Drop animations for sorting lists

Adds animations for Drag and Drop animations to make them more appealing to the eye and more obvious where stuff will end up when dropped.

Some important information and known issues for this feature

  1. Its supposed to work with all sidebar directories, that support a drag and drop workflow to sort.
    • Scene directory may look a bit odd (especially for scenes without thumbnails)
  2. Many actor sheets are supported out of the box. Tested with:
    • DnD5e default and tidy5e sheets
    • Pf2e character sheet
    • The container box may look a bit misleading..
  3. sorting to the end of a list/folder is kinda difficult at the moment. For sidebar directories dragging onto the folder itself puts it at the end. (Trying to fix this just introduced quite a few more issues and was not worth the effort. Also to my knowledge its the same for base FVTT dragging)

DnD5e specific features

Ability template textures

Auto Template Want to be cool and really show a fireball each time you cast it, instead of the blank template for targeting?
This feature lets you specify textures for your templates automatically created by using a feature or spell. It adds to the item sheet a field to select an image or video file as texture. If no file is specified the module will automatically try to select a file depending on the settings set or blank if none found.
Important This feature gets automatically activated when you activate Scaling and animated template textures and are using the DnD5e system.

Auto targeting with ability templates

This awesome template gets created when you cast a spell, but you still have to manually specify the tokens as targets? Uff! But i'm here to help: This feature automatically targets the tokens inside of your placed template.
This doesn't do anything with the targets though, since, to my knowledge, RAW you roll only one dmg die for all AoE skills. So it only rolls once for AoE abilities, without a target, as seen in the GIF, in the previous section.

Actor Sheet Changes

A collection of small actor sheet enhancements, mainly aimed at the default DnD 5e Actor sheet. Each of them can be dis-/enabled independently. These settings are also client side, so each user can decide for him-/herself if (s)he wants to use it.

Numerical scroller

To lazy to use the keyboard to just reduce the hitpoints by just 1? I got you covered! When enabling this feature you can click on a numerical field and use the mousewheel to de-/increase the value of the field!

Alphabetical item sort

sort button
Keeping order is an ordeal! This feature adds a button that sorts all items of the current category alphabetically, so you don't have to!

Prepared Spell Tracker

Always forget how many spells you're allowed to prepare? Fret not, this feature adds a field to the actor sheet to allow you to specify the maximum number of allowed prepared spells.